C.P. No.D-3408 of 2014

_______________________________________________________________                                        Date                      Order with signature of Judges 


1.       For Katcha Peshi

2.       For hearing of M.A. No.17094/2014 (Stay).




None present for the petitioner.


Mr. Dilawar Hussain, Standing Counsel for Respondent No.1.


Mr. Abdul Jabbar Qureshi, AAG Sindh for Respondents No.2 to 8 alongwith Jam Habibullah, Advocate.



          It appears that this petition has been filed by petitioner Syed Sajid Ali alleging therein that on 17.9.2013 he left his house towards the job at about 1300 hours his wife Mst. Asia Sajid aged 34/35 years and daughter Raina Sajid aged 13 years and son Ahmer Sajid aged 11 years were already went to school, when at about 9.30 p.m. returned to house then saw door was locked and his wife and children were not present. It appears from the perusal of order dated 25.6.2015 that attested copies of the Court record were filed by SIP Akbar Jan of CTD Garden, Karachi, including the statement of Mst. Asia Nighat under Section 164 Cr.P.C. recorded before the I-Judicial Magistrate, Rawalpindi, which reflects that the said lady has already filed a suit for dissolution of marriage by way of Khulla before the Family Court, Rawalpindi. The petitioner and his counsel was given time to verify the said fact; however, today none is present for the petitioner. In view of report submitted SIP Akbar Jan of CTD Garden it is clear that Mst. Asia Sajid wife of the petitioner and baby Raina Sajid daughter of the petitioner and Ahmer Sajid son of the petitioner are no more missing. Therefore this petition is dismissed alongwith the listed application.






