C.P.No.D-3032 of 2013




          For Katcha Peshi




Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Memon, advocate for petitioner

          Mr. Noor Mohammad Dayo ADPG NAB



NAIMATULLAH PHULPOTO, J.- Petitioner Ali Ahmed seeks pre-arrest bail in NAB Reference No.59/2013 filed before the learned Administrative Judge, Accountability Courts, Karachi.


2.       Brief facts leading to the filing of instant constitution petition are that compliant was received by NAB against petitioner Ali Ahmed and father Haji Khuda Bux Memon regarding their involvement in corruption and corrupt practices and cheating the public at large. NAB inquired into the matter. During investigation it transpired that accused persons were doing forex online shares business in the New York Stock Exchange in the name of unregistered company in the name and style of Ahmed Trading Company (ATC). It is further mentioned in the reference that investigation further revealed that accused collected huge money from general public on the pretext to provide them inflated monthly profit by issuing postdated cheques. During investigation, 161 Cr.PC statement of Asif Aziz was recorded on 04.12.2012 in which he has stated that he invested an amount of US$ 150,000/- with accused persons against profit at the rate of US$ 30,000/- per month and was paid total US$ 90,000/- for three months only and thereafter accused stopped payment of profit. It is alleged that petitioner Ali Ahmed issued cheques to Asif Memon of Dubai Islamic Bank dated 15.01.2012, it was dishonoured. Petitioner Ali Ahmed executed Finance Settlement Agreement with one Sunil Kumar in which it is mentioned that Ali Ahmed was a broker and Sunil Kumar was the investor on the basis of fixed profit per month. It is further mentioned that broker has failed to make his payment obligations in respect of the finances. Investigation officer has also collected Online Account Opening Form of ATC Brokers in the name of Ali Ahmed. A number of receipts are also available on the record, which shows that petitioner received amount from different persons and issued such receipts on various dates in the name of ATC Brokers. During investigation 20 more claims were received by NAB which reflected that accused have plundered total amount of US$ 103097000/- from 21 claimants. Details of claims received are mentioned in the reference. It is further stated that during the course of investigation accused No.2 Haji Khuda Bux Memon offered voluntary return (VR) of amount by making application to the competent authority under section 25(a) of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 and surrendered original documents of 32 acres of agricultural land. Thereafter, reference was filed against petitioner Ali Ahmed and his father Haji Khuda Bux Memon. Haji Khuda Bux Memon was arrested during investigation and petitioner Ali Ahmed filed the instant constitution petition and interim pre-arrest bail was granted to him by this Court on 07.08.2013. Above mentioned reference was filed on 15.07.2013.


3.       Mr. Muhammad Ishaque Memon, learned advocate for petitioner Ali Ahmed has mainly contended that Chairman NAB had collected no incriminating material against the petitioner, to file the reference against him. It is argued that New York Stock Exchange crushed two years back which resulted heavy loss to the firm with its customers in the business. It is argued that losses were not caused willfully and deliberately by the petitioner but the same were caused due to the circumstances beyond the control of the petitioner. He argued that evidence of some PWs has been recorded in which they have stated that petitioner has returned them some amount. Lastly, he argued that co-accused, who is father of the petitioner, has been granted post-arrest bail and case of the petitioner is identical to his case and the petitioner is also entitled for grant of pre-arrest bail in the case.     


4.       Mr. Noor Mohammad Dayo, Prosecutor NAB, argued that petitioner has been nominated as principal accused in the reference for commission of offence of corruption and corrupt practices and cheating the public at large. He has argued that sufficient incriminating material against the petitioner has been corrected. He has referred to 161 Cr.PC statements of PWs Asif Memon, Sunil Kumar and others and stated that petitioner had cheated 21 claimants. He argued that petitioner got money from them and issued such receipts and some amount was returned by the petitioner to them. He further argued that photocopies of cheques have been collected during investigation. He argued that accused Ali Ahmed was running parallel banking system. He has submitted that case of co-accused Haji Khuda Bux Memon was on different footing. He argued that petitioner is not entitled for concession of pre-arrest bail. He has seriously opposed the bail application.


5.       We have carefully heard the learned advocates for the parties and perused the relevant record.


6.       It appears that investigation officer during investigation has recorded 161 Cr.PC statement of Asif son of Abdul Aziz Memon. He has stated that accused Ali Ahmed Memon and his father Haji Khuda Bux Memon were doing business of Stock Exchange at Hyderabad. Their stock business was with Stock Exchange New York on network. He invested US$ 150,000/- of his family. He had also arranged customers for accused Ali Ahmed with further investment of US$ 450,000/-. He has stated that Ali Ahmed and his father have cheated the amount of Rs.12,00,000,000/-. Ali Ahmed executed Iqrarnama for return of amount to Asif and executed Private Settlement Agreement on 09.04.2012. It is on record that Ali Ahmed issued cheques of Dubai Islamic Bank dated 15.01.2012 for payment of US$ 25,000/- in favour of Asif Memon. Cheque return memo of Bank reflects that account was closed. 161 Cr.PC statement of Sunil Kumar has also been recorded by IO in which he has stated that he had given Rs.10,145,000/- to petitioner Ali Ahmed and his father for the purpose of investment at the rate of 3% per month. Rs.10,005,000 are still outstanding against the petitioner. Receipts issued by accused Ali Ahmed with signatures of IB of ATC brokers in the name of Sunil Kumar dated 05.09.2011 of Rs.50,000/- and other receipts of different amounts are also available on record. Online Account Opening Form for of ATC Brokers is also on record in which accused Ali Ahmed is first party and Sunil Kumar is the second party. Finance Settlement Agreement was also executed by accused Ali Ahmed with Sunil Kumar on 02.04.2012, accused Ali Ahmed failed to fulfill his payment obligations in respect of finance. Apparently,  there is also other huge documentary evidence against accused Ali Ahmed to connect him in the commission of offence. Case of co-accused Haji Khuda Bux Memon is not identical to the case of the petitioner. Co-accused Haji Khuda Bux Memon has been granted bail by this Court vide orders dated 29.05.2013 mainly on the ground that partnership of Haji Khuda Bux Memon with his son, principal accused Ali Ahmed is yet to be established at trial.              Co-accused Haji Khuda Bux Memon was also in judicial custody and he was aged about 70 years whereas, petitioner Ali Ahmed Memon absconded away when inquiry was initiated against him. Contention of learned advocate for the petitioner that evidence of 10 prosecution witnesses has been recorded by the trial Court. PWs Riaz Ahmed Talpur, Naveed Ahmed and others have deposed before the trial Court that some amount has been returned by petitioner Ali Ahmed to them in installments. It is admission on the part of the accused Ali Ahmed but deeper appreciation of evidence is the exclusive function of the trial Court. Prima facie, there is sufficient material/documentary evidence against accused Ali Ahmed to connect him in the commission of offence. Apart from that, grant of bail before arrest is an extra-ordinary relief to be granted only in extra-ordinary situation to protect innocent persons against victimization through abuse of law for ulterior motives. Pre-arrest bail is not to be used as a substitute or as an alternative for post-arrest bail as held by Honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan in the case of Rana Muhammad Arshad versus Muhammad Rafiq (PLD 2009 SC 427). No mala fide or ulterior motive on the part of NAB is shown by the petitioner. There appear reasonable grounds for believing that petitioner Ali Ahmed has committed the alleged offence. Therefore, constitution petition filed by petitioner Ali Ahmed for pre-arrest bail is dismissed. Interim pre-arrest bail already granted to accused Ali Ahmed is hereby recalled. Consequently, constitution petition is accordingly disposed of, with direction to the trial Court to decide the reference expeditiously.


7.       Needless to mention here that above observations are tentative in nature and the trial Court shall not be influenced by the same while deciding the case of the accused Ali Ahmed on merits.





