C.P. No. D  – 1419    of 2013.


DATE                                     ORDER WITH SIGNATURE OF JUDGE



            FOR KATCHA PESHI.

            Mr. M. Saleem Hashmi, Advocate for the petitioner.

Mr. Allah Bachayo Soomro, Addl. A.G. Sindh along with Ashique Ali XEN Hala Division, Shamshad Ali Channa AXEN and Mohkamdin Baloach AXEN Masu Sub-Division.



            The learned counsel for the petitioner argued that on 20.6.2013 a complaint was filed by the petitioner to the respondent No.2 against the respondent No.4 whereby it was alleged that the respondent No.4 is misusing the water and in the complaint request was made to take action against him in accordance with law.

After arguing the matter at some length learned counsel for the petitioner submits that he would be satisfied and does not press this petition provided a direction is given to the respondent No.2 to decide the pending complaint in accordance with law.

Mr. Altaf Hussain Khokhar the learned counsel present today along with authorized representative of respondent No.4 undertakes to file Vakalatnama in the office. However, he controverted the allegations mentioned in the complaint but agreed that the respondent No.2 has not decided the complaint.

            Ashique Ali Executive Engineer Hala Division Irrigation Department present in Court submits that the complaint filed by the petitioner has not been decided so far due to pendency of this petition. However, he submits that if some directions are given, the said complaint will be decided expeditiously. The learned A.A.G. is also of the view that this petition may be disposed of with some directions to the respondent No.2 to decide the complaint.

            In view of the above this petition is disposed of with the directions to respondent No.2 to decide the complaint of the petitioner in accordance with law after providing ample opportunity of hearing to the petitioner as well as respondent No.4 and pass speaking order within a period of one month.

The petition is disposed of accordingly.





