C.P. No. D — 612 of 2013.


DATE                                     ORDER WITH SIGNATURE OF JUDGE



            FOR KATCHA PESHI.


            Mr. Farhad Ali Abro, Advocate for the petitioner.




            This petition has been filed against the HESCO Hyderabad and their other officials for the directions against them to adjust the excessive units charged which has been paid by the petitioner and refund of the amount paid by the petitioner against the excessive units. It has been further prayed that the official respondents be directed to issue fresh bill to the petitioner as per actual units shown in the meter. The petitioner has also prayed for the compensation of Rs.50,00,000/- against the respondents.

            After considering the prayer of the petitioner it is clear that such type of disputes can be resolved easily on making proper application to the Electric Inspector which is the competent authority in this case appointed under the Electricity Act.

            The learned counsel submits that an application was made to the Chairman HESCO with endorsement copy to the Electric Inspector. However, he admits that no proper application has been directly moved to the Electric Inspector for deciding this metering dispute.

            We are of the considered view that this petition is not maintainable in which the prayer for compensation has also been made but the proper remedy is the forum of Electric Inspector which the petitioner can invoke.

            This petition is dismissed in limine. However, the petitioner may approach to the Electric Inspector and if any such application is filed we expect that the same shall be decided within a period of one month after providing ample opportunity of hearing to the petitioner and HESCO officials.

            Copy of this order may be transmitted to the Electric Inspector as well as the Chief Executive HESCO for their information.









