Const. Petition No.D-2485 of 2012

Date                            Order with signature of the Judge

1. For order on office objection No.2&5.

2. For Katcha Peshi.


8th August, 2012


Mr. Raham Ali Rind, Advocate for Petitioner.

Mr. Ahmed Ali Halo, Advocate for Respondent No.2.

Mr. Shahid Ali Shaikh, APG for the State.


                        Through instant petition order dated 03.7.2012 has been called in question. Perusal of record reflects that on application of respondent No.2 under Section 22-A, Cr.P.C. learned District Judge has directed the concerned SHO to record the statement and in case any cognizable offence is made out then to register the case. Order further provides that in case during investigation it appears that no offence has taken place an FIR under Section 182, PPC would be registered against the complainant. Beside order further provides that the accused will not be arrested unless apart from the statement of respondent No.2 that some other tangible evidence is discovered.

                        In the circumstances, we do not find anything wrong with the order dated 03.7.2012, which is perfectly in accordance with law. The petition is totally frivolous and is hereby dismissed with costs of Rs.2,000/-, which should be deposited with the Nazir of this Court within seven-days, failing which, arrest warrants would be issued against the present petitioner for recovery of the costs.