Criminal Revision Application No.172 of 2012


Date                                                 Order with signature of the Judge

1.       For order on MA No.5722/2012 (Exemption).

2.       For Katcha Peshi.



15th March 2013

Mr. Shafique Ahmed, Special Prosecutor ANF.


1.                     Exemption is granted subject to all just exceptions.

2.                     Learned Special Prosecutor contends that upon recovery of 590 grams of heroin powder the respondents Nos.2 and 3 were arrested in Crime No.57/2010 and were tried by the Special Court, CNS-I, Karachi for the offence under section 6/9(b) of the Control of Narcotic Substances Act, 1997 and upon their plead of guilt were convicted and sentenced to the period which they already remained behind the bars, which according to the prosecutor, comes to hardly one year and one month, which is totally inappropriate. Let bailable warrants in the sum of Rs.25,000/- each be issued to procure the attendance of respondents No.2 and 3 through concerned police station for 23rd April 2013. Copy of this order alongwith impugned order be placed before the Hon’ble Chief Justice for taking disciplinary proceedings against the Presiding Officer, if deemed appropriate. 



