Crl. Bail Application No.1466 of 2011


Date                                       Order with signature of the Judge


1. For order on MA No.2007/2013 (Urgent).

2. For order on MA No.2008/2013 (Return of surety).


12th April 2013

Mr. Mukesh Kumar Khatri, Advocate for Applicant.

Mr. Khadim Hussain, Deputy Prosecutor General Sindh.


1.                     Urgency is granted.

2.                     Through this application return of surety, which was furnished in consequent to our order dated 20.12.2011, has been sought. Counsel for the applicant submits that the applicant/accused for whom surety was furnished after regular trial has been acquitted by the Anti-Terrorism Court at Hyderabad and in support of this application photocopy of certified copy of the judgment dated 20.12.2012 has been annexed. Learned DPG has no objection. In the circumstances, the application is allowed. Office is directed to return the surety paper to the applicant after proper verification, identification and as per rules.

                        Application stands disposed of accordingly.




