Constitution Petition No.D-143 of 2009


Date                                       Order with signature of the Judge


1. For order on CMA No.7695/2013 (Urgent).

2. For order on CMA No.7696/2013 (Return of surety).


12th April 2013

None present for the applicant.

Mr. Noor Muhammad Dayo, ADPG for NAB.


1.                     Urgency is granted.

2.                     Through this application return of surety, which was furnished in consequent to our order dated 29.01.2009, has been sought. Along with this application photocopy of certified copy of the judgment dated 28.02.2013 passed by the Accountability Court No.III at Karachi has been annexed, which reflects that after regular trial applicant/accused for whom surety was furnished has been acquitted. In view of this position, learned ADPG has o objection. In the circumstances, the application is allowed. Office is directed to return the surety paper to the applicant after proper verification, identification and as per rules.

                        Application stands disposed of accordingly.




