Criminal Bail Application No.905 of 2012


Date                                                 Order with signature of the Judge

1.       For order on office objection a/w reply.

2.       For order on MA No.5697/2012 (Exemption).

3.       For hearing.



3rd May 2013

Chaudhry Waseem Akhtar, Advocate along with Applicant Nabeel Khan.

Mr. Ali Haider Saleem, Assistant Prosecutor General Sindh.


                        Learned counsel for the applicant/accused requests that instead of pre-arrest bail application this application may be treated as application for protective bail. Request is allowed.

                        It is, inter alia, contended by the learned counsel that the applicant/accused has been involved on the basis of the admission made by the co-accused regarding involvement of the present applicant/accused in this case. Learned APG has no objection for the protective bail.

                        Without touching the merits of the case, the applicant/accused is granted protective bail for a period of nine-days against the same surety, which was furnished in consequent to the order dated 03.9.2012, just to enable him to approach the competent Court and to seek remedy in accordance with law. It is made clear that in case the applicant/accused fails to effect appearance before the trial Court within the time prescribed the surety submitted before this Court shall stand forfeited.

                        This application stands disposed of accordingly.





