Constt: Pett NO. D- 616  of 2012.

Dated                                   order with signature of hon’ble Judge.

For order on M.A No.1417/2013.


                        Mr.  Habibullah G. Ghouri, advocate for the petitioners.

                        Mr. Asif Hussain M. Nawaz Khoso, State Counsel.


                        By consent, this petition is disposed of in terms of the order passed in case of Shabir Hussain v. The Executive District Officer Education, Larkana reported in 2012 CLC 16.  Relying on such judgment, certain more constitutional petitions were disposed of bearing Nos.D-629 to D-1576 of 2010, D-413 to 2861 of 2011, D-31  to    D-1086 of 2012. The crux  of the disposal of aforesaid petitions  are as under:

                                    “We are therefore, of the considered view that the criterion for selection and appointment, provided under Recruitment Policy dated 10.07.2008, is fair, just and reasonable. Any selection or appointment made in violation of the criteria, laid down in the said policy  or  the findings given in this decision are hereby declared to be unlawful and of no legal effect. The concerned District Recruitment Committees shall strictly follow the procedure, laid down in the Recruitment Policy dated 10.07.2008 as interpreted in this judgment and shall also apply other findings given in this judgment and prepare revised merit-lists within 60 days from the date of this order.  Thereafter, any candidate who has become eligible  for appointment shall be appropriately listed therein and all appointments made contrary thereto have to be nullified.  While preparing merit lists, the person who is likely to be affected shall be afforded the right of hearing.  In case upon due notice he does not come forward to defend his position, then the committee shall proceed ex parte and decide the objection of any of the petitioners expeditiously within prescribed period of sixty days.  All these petitions are disposed of in terms of the directions contained hereinabove.  Order accordingly.”

                        Accordingly, with the consent of both the counsel,  petition is disposed of in terms of directions referred hereinabove. 


