Cr.Acq.Appeal No. 11 of 2010.




Appellant:                           Dur Muhammad through Mr. Zulifquar AliSangi  



Respondents:                      ASI Ahmed Ali Wassan and others through Mr.Syed Sardar Ali Shah APG and Mr.MuhammadYakoobSoomro Advocate.


Date of Hearing 21st December, 2012.

Date of Decision 21st December 2012 



SALAHUDDIN PANHWAR,J-Through instant criminal acquittal appeal, the appellant has assailed lthe judgment dated 22nd October 2009 passed in Direct Complaint No.57/2008 (Rs.Dur Muhammad v  ASI Ahmed Ali Wassan and others) whereby respondents/accused were acquitted by giving them benefit of doubt.

2.         The facts as set out in Direct Complaint are as under:-

“ that on 11.11.2008 complainant Dur Muhammad with his brother Jan Muhammad was at his shop, where ASI Ahmed Ali Wassan with two un-identified constables and private persons namely GhulamAsgher, Gul Hassan, Jam Ali, Muhammad Murad, Dost Ali, Faiz Ali all by caste Dahars came. Accused ASI Ahmed Ali with two constables caused butt blows to complainant and his brother and private persons caused lathy blows to them. They robbed Rs.15000/- cash, two bags of sugar four packets of Gold Leaf, four iron tins of Ghee four bags of Aatta, took in Datsun and kidnapped Jan Muhammad and went away in the Datsun complainant approached Nekmard of locality namely Sarfraz Khan Khaskheli then approached to police paid Rs.20000/- as illegal gratification for release of Jan Muhammad. The police also robbed Seeko-5 Wrist Watch and one gold necklace from P.W Jan Muhammad, Therefore, the complainant Dur Muhammad filed this complaint before the court of Judicial Magistrate Mirwah;therafter same was brought on the file of AdditionalDistrict and Sessions judge.”


3.         In order to prove the charge and substantiate the allegations the complainant examined himself at Ex.10, he produced copy of complaint filed by him at Ex.10/A the complainant got examined one witness Dil Muhammad alias DilMurad at Ex.11, thereafter the complainant closed his side vide Ex.14. The statement of accused persons under section 342, Cr.P.Cwere recorded at Ex.15 to 21, wherein, they denied the allegation leveled against them and prayed for justice.

4.         Learned counsel for the appellant has inter alia contended that the impugned judgment is based on misreading and non-reading of evidence, thus, same is not maintainable under the law; trial Court has not appreciated the evidence produced by the appellant; sufficient evidence was available before the trial Court for awarding the punishment but such evidence has not been appreciated by the trial Court; impugned judgment is shocking, capricious, fanciful and against the norms of the law.

5.         Conversely, learned counsel for the respondents assisted by learned APG, has contended that the trial Court has considered all the facts and material available on record; no illegality or infirmity is pointed out by the counsel for the appellant; since the respondents have been acquitted, therefore, double presumption of innocence is attached in this case, thereby instant appeal is liable to be dismissed.

6.         Having heard the arguments of the learned counsel for the parties; as matter of record, the learned counsel for the appellant failed to refer any piece of evidence which could persuade to hold that conclusion drawn by the trial Court  is against the weight of evidence on record; the judgment of the trial Court, while acquitting the respondents/accused cannot be said to be perverse and reasons, thereof are  fanciful,  capricious, speculate  and artificial and in absence of holding the order of acquittal as such it cannot be interfered with. The trial Court has dilated upon all the material facts and circumstances of the case and evidence brought on file. It will be conducive to refer the relevant portion of the judgment, which is as under:-

The complainant has miserably failed to get examined Jan Muhammad from whom, as alleged, that cash amount and golden locket with chain were removed by ASI. The complainant in his deposition has also deposed that approached to NekmardSarfraz Ali Khaskheli and through him paid illegal gratification of Rs.20,000/- to Ahmed Ali Wassan. The complainant did  not  examine the NekmardSarfraz Ali Khaskheli in support of his contention. Even otherwise. The witnesses of complainant Dil Muhammad alias DilMurad admitted during evidence that so many shops and hotel are situated near the shop of complainant inspte of that complainant did not examine any neighbourer witness in support of his contention.

Asthe witness of the complainant has clearly deposed in his evidence that complainant at the time of incident was not present at his shop therefore, I am of the view that evidence of complainant is not reliable because witness Dil Muhammad alias DilMurad has not supported the entire version of complainant”.


            From the bare perusal of impugned judgment and material available on record , it is manifest that, evidence of witnesses was not upto mark, same was lacking the parameters of evidence for awarding the conviction hence trial court has rightly reached on the conclusion that complainants case was not free from the doubt, thereby benefit of doubt was extended to the accused persons, consequently impugned judgment cannot be termed as fanciful, capricious and shocking.

7.         It is settled  principle of law  that, when an accused person is acquitted from the charge by the Court of competent jurisdiction; then double presumption of innocence is attached to its order with which the superior Courts do not interfere unless the impugned order is arbitrary, capricious, fanciful and against the record.

8.         In view of the above no misreading or non-reading of evidence or any material piece of evidence having affect of varying to judgment having not been appraised in the true prospective could be pointed out to warrant interference by this Court.

9.         Above are the reasons of a short order dated 21.12.2012 whereby this criminal acquittal appeal was dismissed.




