Constt: Pett:   No:  D- 1218 of 2012.



Date                          Order with signature of judge.


1.      For orders on office objection as flag A.

2.      For Katcha Peshi.                                         




Mr.  Ghulam Murtaza Jokhio, advocate alongwith petitioners.


Mr. Syed Fida Hussain Shah, State Counsel   for official respondents No.2,3, 4 and 11.


Mr. Eijaz Ali, undertakes to file vakalatnama on behalf of respondents No.5 to 10 who are present.




                        Through this constitutional petition, petitioners have prayed for following relief(s):

(a)             That this Honourable Court may graciously be pleased to call upon respondents No.1 to 10 restraining them from causing harassment to the petitioners in any manner.

(b)             Direct respondents No.1 to 4 to provide all the possible protection to petitioners as guaranteed under the constitution.

(c)             This Honourable Court may also be pleased to direct respondents  No.1 to 4 not to register any false case in retaliation  to marriage of the petitioners and quash the FIR bearing crime No.255 of 2012, P.S “B” Section Khairpur, registered by the complainant Imtiaz Hussain and direct the respondent No.3 not to arrest the petitioners No.1 and 2 in such FIR and further be pleased to restrain the respondents  NO.1 to 4 not to register any further FIR in retaliations to marriage and or abduction of petitioner No.1.

(d)             To award the  costs.

(e)             Grant any other equitable relief.



            Notices were issued  to the respondents as well as A.A.G.  Comments are filed by respondent No.3.  Statement of  Petitioner No.1 Mst.Sajida Begum is recorded in the Court wherein she has stated that she has been kidnapped  by Haider Ali, the petitioner No.2, she has not married to Haider Ali.   She apprehends danger to her life at the hands of Haider  Ali and expressed her intention to go with her parents who are present in the Court  therefore, as Mst.Sajida  is sui juris and  has shown danger  to her life, she is allowed to go  with her  parents who are present in this Court.  They are  directed to take care of Mst.Sajida Begum.   Parties appear to be very emotional, therefore, SSP Larkana and SSP Khairpur are directed to provide protection to the petitioner  Mst.Sajida Begum.  Additional Registrar of this Court is directed to contact  the SSP Larkana for providing  proper security to Mst.Sajida Begum and her parents till they reach at their destination, so as to avoid any unpleasant  incident.   Learned advocate for petitioners did not press  this petition more.


            In these circumstances, petition is disposed of. 






