O R D E R     S H E E T


Const. Petition. No.S-1286  of 2011



Order with signature of the Judge


  1. For orders on office objection flag ‘A’
  2. For Katcha Peshi.                             




Mr. Ahmed Bux Abro, advocate for petitioner.

Mr. Qazi Mohammad Bux, State counsel along with Shaukatullah Abbasi. SHO PS B-Section Sukkur.



            Through this constitution petition, petitioner Mst. Sajida and Altaf Hussain have prayed for the following relief (s):-


(a)                That this Honourable Court may graciously be pleased to direct all the respondents not to harass the petitioners, and to file such statement along with affidavit before this Honourable Court for not harassing the petitioners nor involving them or the family members of the petitioners into false criminal cases;

(b)               That the RespondentsNo.2 and 4 may kindly be directed to provide protection to the petitioners in case of any ingress from the father of the petitioner no.1 for return;

(c)                That any other remedy this Honourable Court deems fit and proper under the circumstances. 


            Notices were issued to the respondents as well as A.A.G. Comments are filed by respondents No. 2 and 4. The SHO  PS B/Section Sukkur, in the comments has stated that petitioners have never been harassed nor the petitioners shall be harassed in future. Other allegations have also been denied. Respondent NO.2 has stated that he is prepared to provide legal protection to the petitioners and no harassment has been caused by him. Learned State counsel states that every protection as provided in law shall be provided to the petitioners.

            In these circumstances Mr. Ahmed Bux Abro, learned counsel is satisfied with such statement and does not press this petition and it is disposed of accordingly.


