Constt. Petition No. S-  1048 of 2012.


Date of hearing

Order with signature of Judge



1.                  For orders on office objection.

2.                  For orders on M.A. No. 1900/2012.

3.                  For orders on M.A. No. 1901/2012.

4.                  For Katcha Peshi.


Mr. Muhammad Ashique Dhamraho, Advocate for petitioner.

Mr. Abdul Rasheed Soomro, State Counsel.



            Through this constitutional petition, the petitioner has prayed for the following relief (s): -


(a)               To direct the respondents No. 1 to 3 to arrest nominated accused of crime No. 113/2012 of PS Waleed, and submit the remand before competent Court of law.


(b)               To call upon respondent No. 4 and direct him for taking legal action against respondents No. 1 to 3 for their illegal acts and further may direct to appoint any honest/independent officer into the matter for arresting the nominated accused.


            Mr. Abdul Rasheed Soomro, State Counsel present in Court, waives notice of this petition. Learned counsel for petitioner states that case bearing crime No.113/2012, registered at PS Waleed, under Sections 324, 504, 34 PPC, against accused Abdul Ghaffar, Khalid Hussain and Zulfiqar Ali has been challaned in the Court of learned Civil Judge and Judicial Magistrate-III, Larkana. Grievance of the petitioner is that concerned SHO has failed to arrest the accused nominated in the FIR. Since case has been challaned, the trial Court is directed to issue NBWs: against the absconding accused; the same may be sent to the concerned S.S.P, for execution through responsible officer not below the rank of DSP. The trial Court shall further proceed with the matter in accordance with law. Learned counsel for the petitioner does not press this petition more, and it is disposed of accordingly.


