Constt: Pett: NO. S-256 of 2012.

Dated                                   order with signature of hon’ble Judge.

For Katcha Peshi.


                        Mr. Habibullah G. Ghouri, advocate for the petitioner.

                        Mr. Mohammad Yaqoob Dahani, State Counsel alongwith DSP Mehar Abdul Latif, ASI Abdul Sattar, P.S Mehar, SIP Safdar Hussain Leghari, P.S K.N. Shah.



                        Through this petition, the petitioner Amir Ali Sihol has prayed  for the  following relief(s):-

a.      That this Honourable Court may graciously be pleased to direct the Respondents to provide the list/details of cases if any registered against the petitioner, his sons, brothers and other family members.

b.     To direct the Respondents to provide proper protection to the lives, liberty and property of the petitioner, his sons   and other family mekmbers and further looted articles mentioned above to the petitioner.

c.     Award costs of the petition.

d.     Any other equitable relief be granted to the petitioners.

                        Notices were  issued to the respondents as well as A.A.G.  Comments are filed by respondents No.2 and 3.   In the comments  filed by respondent No.3 details of cases  registered against the petitioner Amir Ali Sihol has been mentioned.  In the comments  further it is stated that legal protection shall be provided to the petitioner  in accordance with the law and no undue harassment shall be caused to the petitioner.  Learned State Counsel also undertakes that the official respondents shall  conduct themselves in accordance with the law. 

                        In these circumstances, learned counsel for the petitioner is satisfied and does not press the petition more and it is disposed of accordingly.
