Constt: Pett:  No:  S- 667 of 2012.



Date                          Order with signature of judge.


1.      For orders on office objection as flag A.

2.      For Katcha Peshi.                                            




Mr.  Habibullah G. Ghouri, advocate for the petitioner.


Mr. Azizul Haq Solangi, Asstt: A.G alongwith Mr.Imtiaz Ali Solangi, State Counsel.




                        Through this constitutional petition, the petitioner Abdul Ghani has prayed for following relief:

i.                     This honourable Court may be pleased to direct the respondents No.1to 6 to stop causing harassment to the petitioner  and avoid any further false implication of the petitioner in any criminal case and let him live peaceful  life and earn livelihood for his poor family.

ii.                   To direct the respondent No.06 SSP Shikarpur to ensure protection of life,  liberty and property of the petitioner at the hands of respondents No.1 to 5.

iii.                  To direct the Respondent No.6 SSP Shikarpur to take departmental action against the respondents NO.1 to 6 on verifying their above illegal acts and conduct in misuse of their authority against the petitioner and other innocent persons.

iv.                 To direct the SSP Shikarpur to  ensure registration of case FIR against the respondents NO.1 to 5 for illegally taking away of his vehicle as well as theft of its 3 fires and diesel worth Rs.10,000/= and assign  the investigation to some honest police  officer not below the rank of DSP.

v.                   To award cost of the petition.

vi.                 Any other relief this honourable Court may deems fit and proper.

            Notices were issued to the respondents as well as A.A.G.  Comments  have been filed by the respondents No. 1 to 6.  At the very outset, learned counsel for the petitioner submits that he would be satisfied if directions are issued to the SSP Shikarpur for conducting  inquiry through an honest police officer and to redress the grievance of the petitioner.  Learned State Counsel recorded no objection. 

                        I therefore, direct  that the SSP Shikarpur shall hold the inquiry into the matter either personally or assign the same to an independent and honest police officer who  will hear both the parities and redress grievance of the petitioner in accordance with the law.   In these circumstances, Mr.Ghouri does not press the petition more which is disposed of accordingly.   Inquiry shall be completed within 30 days.  Compliance report be submitted to this Court through Additional Registrar of this Court.
