C.P.No.D-2455 of 2012






1.    For Katcha Peshi.

2.    For hearing of CMA. No.14541/2012.






Mr. Khalid Javed Advocate for the petitioner.

Mr. Shafi Mohammad A.A.G and Mr. Adnan Karim A.A.G a/w Mohammad Jamil Khan OSD (litigation) E&L Department Karachi.



          The petitioner, through the instant petition, has sought the following reliefs:-

(a)  Setting aside the impugned Order No.SOIII(S&GAD)3-36/2012 dated 28.06.2012 (Annexure P/1) issued by respondent No.1 by holding that the same is patently illegal, uncalled for, not sustainable in law, malafide, passed in excess of jurisdiction and having no legal effect;


(b)   Restraining the respondents their officers, subordinates and the persons acting for and/or on their behalf from implementing the said impugned order in any manner;


(c)   Restraining the respondents, their officers, subordinates and the persons acting for and/or on their behalf from changing the terms and conditions of the petitioner and from interfering in any manner in the performance of petitioner’s official duty as Regional Director, Colleges (BS-20) Karachi;


(d)  Restraining the respondents their officers, subordinates and the persons for and/or on their behalf from taking any adverse action in respect of terms and conditions of service of the petitioner;


(e)   Costs of the proceedings;


(f)    Any other relief(s) which this Hon’ble Court may deem fit and proper under the circumstances of this case may also be granted.


However, vide Notification dated 19.04.2012 (Annexure P/4 to the petition), the petitioner stood retired and since the allegations are neither of any misappropriation nor embezzlement and/or any other criminal activity and as rightly conceded by Mr. Adnan Karim learned AAG, no further proceedings can be taken in pursuance of the impugned order i.e. order dated 28th June 2012 being Annexure P/1 to the petition. The law will take its own course and the question of petitioner’s retirement benefits shall be decided accordingly. Such shall be done within a reasonable time without any unnecessary delay.

We would, therefore, by consent dispose of this petition in the foregoing terms with observation that the competent authority, if find appropriate and lawful, proceed against the petitioner in accordance with law. It is, at the request of Mr. Khalid Javed Advocate for the petitioner, further observed that impugned suspension shall not come in the way of process of the petitioner’s retirement benefits.






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