Constt: Pett:   No:  D- 1012 of 2012.



Date                          Order with signature of judge.


1.      For orders on office objection as flag A.

2.      For Katcha Peshi.                                            





Mr. Naushad Ali Tagar, advovate for the petitioner.


Mr. Syed Fida Hussain Shah, State Counsel a/w SIP Roshan Ali Channa of P.S Nasirabad.




                        Through this petition petitioner has  prayed for following relief: 2

a)                That this honourable court be pleased to direct the respondent No.1 & 2 not to cause harassment  to the petitioner, her sons and her Haris with malafide to dispossess and occupy her land.

b)                To direct the respondent No.4 not to interfere with revenue record of rights  viz. land of petitioner survey No.650/2 situated in deh Tapo aand Taluka Nasirabad.

c)                 Further be pleased to direct the respondent No.1 & 3 to provide protection to the life liberty and property of the petitioner in accordance with  law.

d)                To award cost  of this petition.

e)                 Any other equitable relief which this honourable Court deems fit and proper may also be granted to the petitioner.


                        Notices were issued to the respondents as well as A.A.G.  Comments have been filed by respondent No.1  in which it is stated  that no harassment   is caused caused to the  petitioner nor he will be harassed  in future.  Further it is contended by the learned counsel for the petitioner  that Mukhtiarkar respondent No.4 has made efforts to tamper with the revenue record of rights  viz. land of the petitioner in survey No.650/2 situated in deh Tapo and Taluka Nasirabad.  

                        Learned State Counsel states  that  the Mukhtiarkar  Land Revenue Taluka Nasirabad shall act strictly in accordance with the law. 

                        In view of the above,  learned counsel for the peititoner  is satisfied and he does not press  the petition.  Petition is disposed of accordingly.


