Constt: Pett:  No:  S- 676 of 2012 of 2012.



Date                          Order with signature of judge.


1.      For  Katcha Peshi.

2.      For  hearing of M.A No.1177/2012.




Mr. Syed Jaffar Ali Shah, advocate for the petitioner.

Mr. Ameer Ahmed Narejo, State




                        Through this constitutional  petition, Mst. Mumtaz Channa  has prayed for the following relief:

a.                 That this Honourable Court may be pleased to direct all the respondents especially respondent No.04 to provide legal and lawful protection to the petitioner and her family members, and further all the respondents be restrained from causing any kind of harassment to the  petitioner.

b.                 That this Honourable Court may be pleased to direct immediately to the SSP Kashmore/Kandhkot or Jailer/ Superintendent of Judicial  Lockup Kashmore to arrange the medical examination and medical treatment of all 07 persons mentioned in para No.05.

c.                 That after medical examination of the above persons, the Incharge Police Station Kashmore be directed to record separate statements of all the seven injured persons and if cognizable offence made out, then the same be entered in the relevant register kept in Police Station.

d.                 That DIGP Larkana  be directed to conduct immediate inquiry/investigation through Joint Investigation Team or through a police officer of good reputation in Crime No.152/2012, 153/2012 P.S Kashmore.

e.                 That on account of committing grass human rights violation by SHO P.S Kashmore namely Zahid Noonari, an immediate departmental inquiry be ordered against him and thereafter, departmental action warranted under the law be taken against him.

f.                    …..

g.                 …..


                        Notice was issued to the respondents as well as A.A.G.  Comments have been filed by the respondents No.4 and 5.   Learned advocate for petitioner states that  so far prayer “A” is concerned, official respondents have filed  the statement  that every protection shall be provided to the petitioner. 

                        Learned State Counsel further states that injured persons confined at judicial lock up Kashmore have also been medically examined.   Learned counsel  further states that he would approach learned Sessions Judge/Ex-Officio Justice of Peace concerned  for seeking  orders for the registration of FIR  against police officials who have committed the alleged offence.  Learned counsel for the petitioner would be at liberty to adopt the legal course available to him under the law.  In these circumstances, Syed Jaffer Ali Shah does not press this petition any more  and it is accordingly disposed of.



