O R D E R     S H E E T


C.P. No.S- 264     of 2012


            1. For orders on M.A No. 610/2012

                        2.For Kathca Peshi.                         




 Mr. Faiz Mohammad Larik, advocate for petitioners.

Mr. Ali  Raza Pathan, State counsel a/w SIP Shafi Mohammad Maitlo SIO PS Agra district Khairpur.



            Through this constitution petition, petitioners have prayed for the following relief(s):-

(a)        That this Honourable Court may be pleased to call upon respondents No.1 to 3 restraining them from causing harassment in any manner to petitioners.

(b)       To take surety/undertaking from respondents No.1, 2 and 3 to the effect that they will not take the law in their hands and not to cause any harassment/harm or put pressure upon petitioners in any manner and let the couple live happy life.

(c )       Direct respondent No.4 (SSP Larkana) to provide protection to the petitioners as guaranteed under the constitution.

(d)       Award costs.

(e)        Any other relief this honourable court deems fit and proper may be granted to the petitioners under the circumstances of the case. 


            Notice of this petition was issued to the respondents as well as A.A.G. Investigating Officer of crime No.23/2012 registered at Police Station Agra under section 365-B, PPC is present. He states that challan in the above crime has already been submitted in which Mst. Kanwal Gul has been shown as prosecution witness. I.O states that he could not record 161, Cr.P.C Statement of Mst. Kanwal Gul. In the best interests of justice, I.O is directed to record 161, Cr.P.C statement of Mst.Kanwal Gul in the above mentioned crime. In these circumstances, Mr.Faiz Mohammad Larik, learned counsel does not press this application more and it is disposed of accordingly.


