C.P.No.S-2159 of  2010   



For katcha peshi







Mr.Manzoor Ahmed Juenjo  Advocate for the petitioner a/w petitioner.   

Mr.Abdul Ghaffar Korai State Counsel a/w SIP/SHO Muhammad Aslam Leghari P.S.Mehrabput District Naushero Feroze.  




The respondents No.3 to 11 are also present and they have categorically denied that they have ever caused harassment to the petitioner but they stated that they are only act in accordance with law.

Today S.H.O. P.S.Mehrabpur has filed statement, in which he has clearly mentioned that the petitioner never approached to him for redressal of grievance and if he will come, the SHO will provide him protection in accordance with the law.

The learned counsel for the petitioner is satisfied with this statement; the petition is disposed of in the above terms.     



