Criminal Miscellaneous Application No.142 of 2025




1.      For orders on office objection

2.      For hearing of main case




            Mr. Imtiaz Hussain Bhutto, advocate a/w applicant

            Mr. Neel Parkash, D.P.G.

            SIP Ellahi Bux of PS Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi



SHAMSUDDIN ABBASI, J.—Applicant has impugned order dated 31.01.2025, passed by learned III Additional Sessions Judge, Karachi East/Ex-Officio Justice of Peace in Criminal Miscellaneous Application No.288 of 2025 whereby learned     Ex-Officio Justice of Peace issued direction to the SHO of Police Station Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi to record the statement of applicant under section 154, Cr.PC if the cognizable offence is made out.


2.         Facts involved in the instant criminal miscellaneous application are that respondent No.3 is owner of vehicle bearing Registration No.BJN-457, make Honda, Model Civic-2017, which he parked at Saima Royal Residency, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi with present applicant and handed over keys of such car to him but on 04.01.2025, when he visited such place, his car was not available there; when he asked the present applicant regarding his car, he did not give satisfactory reply, as such, respondent No.3 reported the matter to police station but official respondents have not taken any legal action against proposed accused and SHO refused to register FIR, hence respondent approached Ex-Officio Justice of Peace, who passed the impugned order.


3.         Learned counsel for applicant submits that there is civil dispute between the applicant and respondent No.3 over property; that respondent No.3 has managed a false a fabricated story against the applicant and learned Ex-Officio Justice of Peace has taken cognizance of factual controversy and issued direction to SHO of PS Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi for recording statement of respondent No.3 under section 154, Cr.PC, in case cognizable offence is made out, register the FIR. He prays that the impugned order may be set aside.


4.         On the last date of hearing, viz 14.02.2025 Mr. Omer Ismail Gora, advocate, filed Vakalatnama on behalf of respondent No.3 and claimed copy of application, which was supplied by the counsel for applicant. On the said date SIP Ellahi Bux of PS Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi was directed to furnish a detailed report. Today, SIP Ellahi Bux of PS Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi has filed his comments, perusal of the same reveals that there is civil dispute between the parties and according to him no such incident has taken place. Learned D.P.G. also submits that in the background of civil dispute between the parties it cannot be ruled out that respondent No.3 filed application before Ex-Officio Justice of Peace mala fidely, therefore, he does not support the impugned order.


5.         Heard learned counsel for the applicant, learned D.P.G. and perused the record available on record.


6.         It is the case of respondent No.3 that he is owner of vehicle bearing Registration No.BJN-457, and he parked it at Saima Royal Residency, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi and handed over its keys to applicant but applicant committed theft and his car is missing since 04.01.2025. It is very surprising that respondent No.3 is residing in Federal “B” Area, Karachi and he parked his car in the project where the applicant is residing in Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi. Neither he has cited any witness for parking his car in the project nor handing over its keys in presence of any witness to the applicant. No documents of ownership of car have been annexed with the application filed before Ex-Officio Justice of Peace, which show that he is the owner of vehicle. Allegation of respondent No.3 regarding theft of car by the applicant is doubtful for the reason that there is civil litigation pending between the parties before the competent Court of law over the property being Civil Suit No.2122/2022. The police furnished negative report before Ex-Officio Justice of Peace as well as before this Court. In the background of civil dispute, it cannot be ruled out that respondent No.3 intends to register false FIR against the applicant. In view of the facts and circumstances discussed herein above, instant criminal miscellaneous application is allowed and the impugned order dated 31.01.2025, passed by passed by learned III Additional Sessions Judge, Karachi East/Ex-Officio Justice of Peace in Criminal Miscellaneous Application No.288 of 2025 is hereby set aside.  


7.         Instant criminal miscellaneous application is allowed in the above terms.



