Cr. Bail Application No.2302 of 2024




For hearing of bail application



            Mr. Shujaat Ali Khan, advocate for applicant

            Ms. Seema Zaidi, Additional Prosecutor General Sindh

            Mr. Kamran Asghar, advocate for complainant



            Applicants/accused Hameed Khan and Noor Muhammad seek pre-arrest bail in FIR No.482/2024, registered at P.S. Saeedabad, Karachi, under Sections 448, 511, 427, 380, 34, PPC, after rejection of their bail plea by learned Additional Sessions Judge-XII, Karachi West vide order dated 20.09.2024.


2.         Brief facts of the case are that complainant owned House No.161, Block-C, situated in Musharaf Colony, Karachi which was given to Sarfraz on rent, such tenancy agreement was executed. On 07.07.2024 at about 07:00 p.m. Abdul Majeed alias Hanif, Noor Muhammad, Waseem contractor and 4/5 others person in collusion of his tenant Sarfraz demolished his said house and taken away windows, doors, chadars, electric meter, wirings and 2 motors, in order to illegally occupy the said house. Later on, complainant called at 15, submitted application to SHO of Police Station concerned, however, due to inaction on the part of SHO, he approached learned ADJ West, Karachi, and upon directions issued by the Court, complainant approached SHO concerned, who recorded his statement under section 154, Cr.PC. Hence the subject FIR.


3.         Learned counsel for applicants/accused mainly contended that the IO has recommended the case for disposal under “C” class and such summary is pending before learned Magistrate concerned for passing appropriate orders but the Court is lying vacant. He further submits that main accused was granted bail by learned Magistrate-XI, Karachi West vide order dated 30.08.2024 and the case of the applicants/accused is identical to that of main accused. Copy of bail granting order to co-accused dated 30.08.2024 and report under section 173, Cr.PC is placed on record.


4.         Learned Additional Prosecutor General Sindh, assisted by the counsel for complainant, has opposed the bail application on the ground that alleged offence is cognizable, however, they admit the fact that IO has commended the case for disposal under “C” class, bail has been granted to co-accused Sarfraz and the said order has not been assailed before any other forum.


5.         Heard learned counsel for applicants, Additional Prosecutor General Sindh, counsel for complainant and perused the material available on record.


6.         It is matter of record that IO has recommended this case for disposal under “C” Class, such summary is pending before concerned Judicial Magistrate but the Court is lying vacant as such no appropriate orders have been passed on such summary. Moreover, bail has been granted to co-accused Sarfraz and the case of present applicants/accused is on identical footings. Prima facie, from the tentative assessment of material available on record, case for grant of bail to applicants has been made out, therefore, interim pre-arrest bail granted to applicants Hameed Khan and Noor Muhammad by this Court vide order dated 08.10.2024 in the aforesaid FIR is hereby confirmed on the same terms and conditions.


7.         The instant bail application is accordingly disposed of.


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