Criminal Bail Application No.156 of 2025




1.      For orders on office objection as at “A”

2.      For orders on M.A. No.948/2025

3.      For hearing of bail application




            Mr. Muhammad Yaseen, advocate for applicant

            Ms. Seema Zaidi, Additional Prosecutor General Sindh

            PI Masroor Ahmed of PS Awami Colony



SHAMSUDDIN ABBASI, J.—Applicant/accused Amir son of Muhammad Rauf seeks post arrest bail in FIR No.391/2023, registered at P.S. Awami Colony, Karachi for offence under sections 376, 443, 34, PPC, after rejection of bail plea by learned trial Court vide order dated 17.07.2023.


2.         Brief facts of the case are that after having divorced by Hamza, complainant was handed over to applicant Amir, who promised to marry her and kept her in the house of his friend Hanif in “I” Area Korangi; that Amir, Hanif and other person committed Zina with her, in result whereof she became pregnant; on 10.0.2023 a baby girl was born to her, who was named Jannat. As applicant Amir failed to perform Nikah with complainant and used to commit Zina with her along with his friends, hence the subject FIR.


3.         Learned counsel for applicant mainly contended that there are false allegations against the applicant/accused and DNA report of baby Jannat did not match with applicant Amir and medical report issued by M.L.O., JMPC, Karachi, excluded Applicant Amir as biological father of baby Jannat, hence he prayed for grant of post arrest bail to the applicant/accused.


4.         Learned Addl: Prosecutor General Sindh opposed for grant of bail to the applicant/accused on the ground that per medical certificate, report is positive, however, she admits that DNA report is negative. IO present in Court submits that victim/complainant is not traceable as she has left the premises and shifted to some unknown place.


5.         Heard learned counsel for applicant/accused as well as Additional Prosecutor General Sindh and perused the material available on record.


6.         It is the case of prosecution that alleged victim Saima was already married and her husband refused to keep her with him, thereafter, she resided in a rented house, where applicant Amir and his fried Hanif kept her as keep and committed Zina, resultantly, a baby girl was born to complainant, who was named Jannat. During investigation, samples of baby Jannat were sent along with samples of applicant/accused Amir and per DNA report samples did not match with applicant. She was already a married woman and mother of two children, therefore, medical report may be considered at trial. It has also come on record that alleged victim/complainant has shifted to some unknown place and not traceable, therefore, no one can be kept in incarceration for an indefinite period and the case is pending before learned trial Court without any progress in the charge. In presence of negative DNA report, case of applicant requires further inquiry in terms of Section 497(2), Cr.PC. Applicant Amir son of Muhammad Rauf is admitted to bail, subject to furnishing solvent surety in the sum of Rs.200,000/- (Rupees two hundred thousand) and P.R. bond in the like amount to the satisfaction of the trial Court.


7.         Needless to mention here that the observations made hereinabove are tentative in nature, the same would not influence the trial Court while deciding the case of the applicant/accused on merits.


8.         Instant criminal bail application is disposed of in the above terms.



