Criminal Bail Application No.3018 of 2024




For hearing of bail application




            Mr. Zahoor Ahmed, advocate for applicant

            Mr. Zahoor Shah, Addl: P.G. Sindh



            Applicant/accused Ghufran Mehmood is present on interim pre-arrest bail. He seeks pre-arrest bail in FIR No.930/2024, registered at P.S. KIA East Karachi, for offence under sections 406, 170, 171, 34, PPC.


2.         It is alleged in the FIR that complainant and his friend paid various amounts to applicant and his accomplices for getting jobs in government departments, however, upon their failure to do so, complainant demanded back the amount, which the applicant and his accomplices failed to, hence the aforesaid FIR.


3.         Counsel for applicant submits that all sections applied in FIR are bailable except section 406, PPC; that main allegation against the person who committed fraud is Sajjad, who is absconder and applicant after getting interim pre-arrest bail has joined the investigation, challan has been submitted and applicant/accused is no more required for further investigation.


4.         On the last date of hearing, complainant engaged his counsel but today his counsel is called absent without intimation. Learned Additional PG has recorded objection on the ground that applicant/accused has committed fraud with the complainant, therefore, he is not entitled for grant of bail.


5.         Heard learned counsel for applicant as well as Additional Prosecutor General Sindh and perused the material available on record.


6.         All the sections applied in FIR are bailable, except section 406, PPC, which does not come within the ambit of prohibitory clause of section 497, Cr.PC. It is settled law that grant of bail in the offences not falling within the prohibitory clause is a rule and the refusal is an exception. Reliance is placed on the case of Ali Anwar Paracha versus the State and another (2024 SCMR 1596). Investigation is complete, case has been challaned and applicant is facing trial.


5.         Taking into consideration all facts and circumstances, interim pre-arrest bail already granted to applicant is hereby confirmed on the same terms and conditions. However, trial Court is directed to conclude the case expeditiously.


6.         Needless, to mention here that the observations made hereinabove are tentative in nature and would not influence the trial Court while deciding the case on merits.    


7.         The instant bail application is accordingly disposed of.


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