Criminal Bail Application No.2473 of 2024




1.      For orders on office objection as at “A”

2.      For hearing of bail application




            Mr. Muhammad Bashir Shakeel, advocate for applicant

            Ms. Seema Zaidi, Additional Prosecutor General Sindh



SHAMSUDDIN ABBASI, J.—Applicant/accused Nisar Ahmed son of Muhammad Musa seeks post arrest bail in FIR No.1109/2021, registered at P.S. Shah Latif Town, Malir Karachi for offence under Sections 397, 302, 34, PPC, after rejection of bail plea by learned trial Court vide order dated 19.09.2023.


2.         Brief facts of the case are that on 23.06.2021 at about 1945 hours, three unknown armed persons, involved in series of public robberies, attempted to intercept complainant and his brother Zareef Khan. In order to escape away Zareef Khan accelerated the speed of motorcycle, due to which armed persons opened direct fires upon them, resultantly Zareef Khan sustained firearm injury at his chest, who was taken to hospital but unfortunately he succumbed to his injury, and the subject FIR of the incident was lodged at the police station concerned.


3.         Learned counsel for applicant presses instant criminal bail application on the ground of statutory delay in conclusion of trial and submits that applicant is behind the bar since last four years without any progress in trial and delay is not on the part of applicant/accused but the complainant party is avoiding to appear before the trial Court. He finally prays for grant of bail to the applicant/accused.


4.         Learned Addl: Prosecutor General Sindh submits that delay in conclusion of trial is solely on the part of applicant/accused, which fact has been mentioned by learned trial Judge in his order, as such, he is not entitled for grant of bail on statutory ground. She opposed the bail application.


5.         Heard learned counsel for applicant/accused as well as Additional Prosecutor General Sindh and perused the material available on record.


6.         It is a matter of record that earlier bail application on merits has been dismissed by the trial Court as well as this Court. Applicant/accused has moved instant criminal bail application on the ground of statutory delay. Record reflects that charge was framed on 20.01.2021 and case could not be concluded on the ground that counsel for applicant/accused remained absent on 14 dates of hearings without any plausible reason, despite presence of complainant and other PWs. Record also reflects that delay in conclusion of trial is caused by the accused party, therefore, the applicant/accused is not entitled for grant of bail on the ground of statutory delay. As such, instant criminal bail application is dismissed. However, learned trial Court is directed to conclude the case expeditiously, preferably within a period of six months, without granting adjournment to either party on any flimsy ground, under intimation to this Court through learned MIT-II.


7.         Needless to mention here that the observations made hereinabove are tentative in nature, the same would not influence the trial Court while deciding the case of the applicant/accused on merits.



