Criminal Bail Application No.80 of 2025




For hearing of bail application




            Mr. Tahir-ur-Rehman Tanoli, advocate for applicants/accused

            Ms. Seema Zaidi, Additional Prosecutor General Sindh

            M/s Masood Afridi & Mutawali Khan, advocates for complainant



SHAMSUDDIN ABBASI, J.—Applicant Habibullah son of Abdul Karim Guru seeks post arrest bail in FIR No.615/2024, registered at P.S. Docks, Karachi for offence under Sections 324/337-F(iii), 427, 34, PPC after rejection of bail plea by learned Additional Sessions Judge-IV, Karachi West vide order dated 04.01.2025.


2.         Brief facts of the prosecution case are that on 01.12.2024 at 0300 hours complainant Azizullah Khan was going to home on his motorcycle with his fried Zubair Ahmed, when the applicant along with other three accused intercepted them and all four accused fired from their respective weapons at the complainant party and his friend Zubair Ahmed had received firearm injury on his leg as well as on motorcycle.


3.         Learned counsel for applicant submits that the allegations are generalized in nature against all four accused and single injury has been received by PW Zubair Ahmed on his leg, which is a non-vital part of the body, therefore, question of applicability of Section 324, PPC is yet to be determined at trial. However, said injury was declared under section 337-F(iii), which does not fall within the ambit of prohibitory clause of Section 497, Cr.PC and the case of the applicant requires further inquiry in terms of Section 497(2), Cr.PC.


4.         On the other hand, learned Additional Prosecutor General Sindh, assisted by learned counsel for complainant, submits that specific role has been assigned to the applicant and PW Zubair Ahmed had received firearm injury on his leg and the applicability of Section 324, PPC is very much attracted in the present case, therefore, he is not entitled for concession of bail. Learned Additional Prosecutor General Sindh further submits that there is no criminal record of the applicant, except this case. She opposed the concession of bail to the applicant/accused.


5.         Heard learned counsel for applicant/accused as well as Additional Prosecutor General Sindh and counsel for complainant and perused the material available on record.


6.         Admittedly there is a delay of three days in lodging of FIR and no plausible explanation has been furnished by the complainant for such inordinate delay; the background in lodging of FIR after deliberation and consultation cannot be ruled out. Per FIR, applicant along with three other persons fired on the complainant party and only single injury was received by PW Zubair Ahmed on his leg. Per medical certificate said injury was declared as “ghayr-jaifah mutafahimah”, it falls under section 337-F(iii), PPC, which is punishable for 3 years and question of applicability of Section 324, PPC is yet to be determined at trial; that case has been challaned and the applicant is no more required for investigation purpose. Sufficient grounds are available to make out the case of applicant of further inquiry in terms of Section 497(2), Cr.PC. Resultantly, bail is granted to the applicant/accused Habibullah in the aforesaid FIR, subject to his furnishing solvent surety in the sum of Rs.100,000/- and P.R. bond in the like amount to the satisfaction of the trial Court.  


7.         Needless to mention here that the observations made hereinabove are tentative in nature, the same would not influence the trial Court while deciding the case of the applicant/accused on merits.



