Criminal Misc. Application No.S-142 of 2020


Applicant:            Naeem Ahmed through Mr. Sarfaraz Ali M. Abbasi, Advocate.


Respondent:        Respondent No.1.Muhammad Ramzan through Mr. Muhammad Ali Pirzada, Advocate.


The State:            Through Mr. Aitbar Ali Bullo, Deputy Prosecutor General, Sindh.


Date of hearing:  10.11.2022

Date of Order:     10.11.2022


AMJAD ALI SAHITO, J.- Through this Criminal Misc. Application, the applicant/complainant has impugned Order dated 14.02.2020, passed by the learned Additional Sessions Judge-II, Kamber, whereby he has granted bail to accused Muhammad Ramzan son of Metlo in Crime No.07 of 2020 for offence under sections 302, 504, 148, & 149 P.P.C registered at Police Station Kamber-City.

2.                Learned counsel for the applicant submits that accused are issuing threats that’s why he has filed application for cancellation of bail.

3.                On the other hand, learned counsel for respondent No.1 submits in the year 2020 charge was framed since then applicant has failed to produce his witnesses and on the one or the other pretext he is taking frequent adjournments.  Lastly, learned Trial Court in the above situation kept the file in abeyance on 29.10.2022 since then case has not been proceeded. He further added that after grant of bail accused has not misused the concession of bail and otherwise attending the Court.

4.                Heard and perused.  Applicant Naeem Ahmed is present in Court and undertakes that he will produce his all witnesses before the Trial Court within stipulated time and will file application before the Trial Court for further proceedings in the case.  No illegality or irregularity has been committed by the learned Trial Court while granting bail to the accused; as such no case for cancellation of bail is made out.  Resultantly, this Criminal Miscellaneous Application is dismissed. However, the learned trial Court is directed that after filing of application and producing the witnesses by the complainant, the Trial Court will proceed further and decide the case preferably within a period of sixty days. Respondent No.1 present in Court is directed not to cause any sort of harassment to the applicant/complainant and his witnesses, if any complaint is received and any proof is submitted by the applicant/complainant the bail granted to him shall be recalled/cancelled.

                   Instant Criminal Miscellaneous Application is disposed of in the above terms.

                                J U D G E
