Special Criminal Anti-Terrorism
Appeals Nos.103 & 104 of 2017
Justice Naimatullah Phulpoto
Justice Abdul Maalik Gaddi
Date of Hearing : 27.11.2017.
Date of Judgment : 30.11.2017.
Appellants : Muhammad
Suleman Punjabi @ Bina through Mr.Nazeer A. Shaikh Advocate.
: The
State through Mr. Mohammad Iqbal Awan Additional Prosecutor General.
PHULPOTO, J.- Muhammad Suleman Punjabi @ Bina
appellant was tried by learned Judge, Anti-Terrorism Court No.1, Karachi under
Sections 4/5 Explosive Substances Act, 1908 read with Section 7 Anti-Terrorism
Act, 1997 and under Section 23(1)(a) of Sindh Arms Act, 2013. By judgment dated
28.03.2017, appellant was convicted under Section 7(ff) of Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 and
sentenced to 14 years R.I. Appellant was also convicted under Section 23(1)(a)
of Sindh Arms Act, 2013 and sentenced to 05 years R.I and fine of Rs.20,000/-
in case of default in payment of fine, he was ordered to suffer S.I for 6
months more. Both the sentences were ordered to run concurrently. Benefit of
Section 382-B Cr.P.C was also extended to accused.
2. Brief facts of the prosecution case are
that on 16.09.2016, complainant SIP Abdul Qadir left Police Station along with
his subordinate staff for patrolling. While patrolling when the police party
reached at Bank No.5 of Malir River, they saw accused in the suspicious manner
there. Accused tried to hide himself behind bushes. He was surrendered and
caught hold. On enquiry, accused disclosed his name was Muhammad Suleman
Punjabi @ Bina son of Abdul Mubeen. Personal search of the accused was
conducted, during search two hand grenades were recovered from his pocket
wrapped in newspaper so also one 30 bore pistol containing 06 bullets from the
fold of his Shalwar. It is alleged that cash of Rs.230/- was also recovered from him. Accused
was enquired about the license for the pistol, he replied in negative. Accused
was arrested in presence of mashirs. Mashirnama of arrest and recovery was
prepared. Thereafter, accused and case property were brought to Police Station
where two separate FIRs bearing Crime No. 809/2016 under Section 4/5 Explosive
Substances Act, 1908 read with Section 7 Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 and Crime No.
810/2016 under Section 23(1)(a) of Sindh Arms Act,
2013 were registered against accused on behalf of state.
3. Investigation of aforesaid FIRs was
entrusted to Inspector Arif Razzaq, who inspected the place of wardat on the
pointation of complainant in presence of mashirs, SIP Abdul Qadir and HC
Shamsuddin, I.O recorded statements of witnesses under Section 161 Cr.P.C,
despatched pistol and bullets to the FSL. Hand Grenades were examined by Bomb
Disposal Unit such report was issued. I.O obtained necessary permission from
the Home Department. On the conclusion of usual investigation, challan was
submitted against accused in the above referred sections.
4. On the application of the prosecution,
both cases/crimes were amalgamated in terms of Section 21-M of Anti-Terrorism
Act, 1997 for joint trial.
5. Trial Court framed Charge against
accused at Ex. 4 under the above referred sections. Accused pleaded not guilty
and claimed their trial.
6. At the trial, prosecution examined three
witnesses. Thereafter, learned ADPP closed the prosecution side vide Statement
at Ex. 08.
7. Statement of accused under Section 342
Cr.P.C was recorded at Ex.9. Accused claimed his false implication in the
present cases and denied the prosecution allegations. Accused raised plea that
hand grenades and pistol have been foisted upon him. Accused further stated
that on 09.09.2016, at mid night in between 2.30 am to 3.00 am, he was sitting
outside his house due to load shedding of electricity, at that time, four
persons appeared, on motorcycles in the civil dresses and picked-up the accused
and demanded Rs.500,000/- for his release, on his
refusal, he was severely beaten and his custody was handed over to the K.I.A PS.
It is alleged that false cases were registered against him. Accused has further
raised plea that his sister Zohra Khatoon had made applications regarding his
illegal detention to the higher officials. Accused examined himself on oath
under Section 340(2) Cr.P.C and examined DWs (1) Mst. Zohra Khatoon and (2)
Abdul Qadir in his defence.
8. Trial Court after hearing the learned
counsel for the parties and assessment of evidence, by judgment dated
28.03.2017, convicted and sentenced the appellant as stated above. Separate
Special Criminal Anti-Terrorism Appeals were filed by the appellant against the
convictions and sentences recorded against him. We intend to decide aforesaid
appeals by this single judgment as the same arise out the common judgment dated
9. The facts of the case as well as
evidence produced before the Trial Court find an elaborate mention in the
judgment dated 28.03.2017 passed by the Trial Court and therefore, the same may
not be reproduced here so as to avoid duplication and unnecessary repetition.
10. The extensive arguments of learned
counsel for the parties are not recorded separately but the same shall be
reflected in discussion.
11. We have come to the conclusion that
evidence of police officials was not trustworthy and reliable for the reasons
that prosecution story appears to be unnatural and unbelievable. There is no reliable
evidence that as to why police officials were patrolling in the evening time in
bushes. It is observed that police patrolling is normally on the roads or
sometimes on spy information at the secret places, but was not the case of the
prosecution that there was spy information that accused was present in the
bushes. It is the case of the prosecution as deposed by P.W-1 Abdul Qadir that
two hand grenades and 30 bore pistol with six bullets were recovered from the
possession of the accused, but description/ numbers of the hand grenades and
pistol have not been mentioned by SIP Abdul Qadir in his evidence. It is very
difficult for us to believe prosecution evidence that accused was armed with
hand grenades and pistol, he easily surrendered before
the police, without causing any harm to the police officials. Complainant has
admitted that he had not produced entry of Register No.19 about deposit of the
case property at police station with the Incharge of Malkhana. It clearly shows that safe custody of the pistol and hand
grenades have not been established at trial. SI Abdul Qadir, head of the Police
party has admitted that he has not disclosed description of the weapon in the
Mashirnama of arrest and recovery. In the cross-examination he replied that
figure 69 was mentioned on hand grenades, but such figure has not been
mentioned by him in the Mashirnama of arrest and recovery. It has also been
admitted by P.W.No.1 that number of the pistol was rubbed but this fact has not
been mentioned by him in the Mashirnama of arrest and recovery. P.W-2 ASI Shams
Din had acted as mashir of arrest and recovery. He has also deposed that
accused was arrested from the bushes, but there is no plausible explanation as
to how police party went into the bushes. PW-3 Inspector Arif Razzaq
Investigating officer has deposed that on 16.09.2016, aforesaid cases/FIRs,
custody of the accused and case property were handed over to him for
investigation. He inspected place of wardat, dispatched pistol to the Expert,
got hand grenades inspected by Bomb Disposal Unit and collected reports. In the
cross-examination, he has admitted that Ibrahim Panhwar Village is situated at
the distance of 400/500 yards away from the place of incident, but he did not
call independent persons from the village to ascertain truth about incident.
I.O had also not enquired from the accused what was his
intention to carry the hand grenades. I.O was also not aware about the
applications submitted by the sister of the accused to the higher officials
regarding arrest of the accused before registration of these cases. We have
also perused the defence evidence DW-1 Mst. Zohra, Khatoon sister of the accused she has deposed
that on 09.09.2016, accused was sitting outside of his house along with
Mohallah people due to load shedding of electricity, four persons came in the
street and took her brother and lodged false cases against him. She submitted
applications to the Honourable Chief Justice of Sindh High Court, I.G. Police
Sindh and others and produced Photostat copies of the applications and receipts
of courier service. D.W-2 Abdul Qadir has deposed that on 09.09.2016 at night
time, he was sitting outside of his house along with accused due to load shedding,
four persons came and took away accused and lodged false cases against him. It
appears from the evidence available on record that fair investigation has also
not been conducted in this case. It was duty of I.O to investigate/interrogate
about applications made by DW-1 Zohra Khatoon, sister of the accused to the
higher officials. I.O had also failed to examine villagers of village Ibrahim
Panhwar Village situated at the distance of 400/500 yards from the place of
incident in order to ascertain whether incident had taken place or not. Safe
custody of weapons at police station and safe transit to expert has also not
established. Prosecution has utterly failed to prove it’s
case against accused. There are several circumstances in the case, which
created doubt in prosecution case, but Trial Court failed to appreciate the
evidence according to the settled principles of law. It is well-settled
principle of law that for extending benefit of doubt, it is not necessary that
there should be multiple circumstances creating doubt. If a single
circumstance, which creates reasonable doubt in a prudent mind about the guilt
of accused, then he will be entitled to such benefit not as a matter of grace
and concession, but as a matter of right, as has been held in the case of Tariq Pervez vs. The State (1995 SCMR
1345), wherein the Honourable Supreme Court has held as under:-
“The concept of benefit of doubt to an accused persons is deep-rooted in our country for giving him benefit
of doubt, it is not necessary that there should be many circumstances creating
doubts. If there is a circumstance which crates reasonable doubt in a prudent
mind about the guilt of the accused, then the accused will be entitled to the
benefit not as matter of race and concession but as a matter of right.”
12. In the view of above, we have come to the
conclusion that the prosecution has failed to prove the aforesaid case against
the appellant beyond any shadow of doubt. Therefore, we extend benefit of doubt
to the appellant and allow the Special Criminal Anti-Terrorism Appeals. Consequently, the conviction and sentence
recorded by the Trial Court vide judgment dated 28.03.2017 are set aside.
Appellant Muhammad Suleman Punjabi @ Bina is acquitted of the charges.
Appellant shall be released from custody forthwith, if he is not wanted in some
other custody case.