Criminal Misc. Application No. 128 of 2024





  Present:             Mr. Justice Naimatullah Phulpoto

                                                                                                                            Mr. Justice Khadim Hussain Tunio


  1. For order on office objection at A
  2. For hearing of main case
  3. For hearing of M.A.No. 1533/2024





Mr. Iftikhar A. Shah advocate for the applicant

Mr. Khadim Hussain Addl. P.G




NAIMATULLAH PHULPOTO, J.- Through this Criminal Misc. Application, applicant/accused Muhammad Ramzan has called in question order dated 04.01.2024 passed by learned 1st Additional Sessions Judge, Karachi West in Special Case No. 801/2024.

2.         Notice was issued to the Prosecutor General Sindh.

3.         Learned advocate for the applicant/accused mainly submits that defense of the applicant/accused is based upon call data record of mobile Nos. 0313-8004146 and 0311-8874964 for the period between 22.10.2023 to 26.10.2023. It is submitted that call data record is normally saved by telecommunication companies for a period of 03 to 06 months, if it is deleted, serious prejudice shall be caused to the applicant/accused in his defense on the conclusion of trial.

4.         Record reflects that learned trial Court dismissed an application under Section 94 Cr.P.C moved by the applicant/accused mainly for the following reasons:

“09.    Lastly, another aspect deserving consideration in this order pertains to the nature of our legal system. Permitting applications of this nature would inevitably contribute to the delay in resolving cases within our already overburdened courts. As part of the Common Law Jurisdiction our courts adhere to an adversarial rather than an inquisitorial model. In the adversarial system, the involved parties actively present evidence and arguments before an impartial third party, typically a judge, who subsequently renders a decision. This framework is built on the foundational principle of legal equality between the prosecution and defense, with each side vigorously advancing its stance. In my humble opinion, during the initial stage, when the charge was yet to be framed, the judge should abstain from probing inquiries into the guilt or innocence of the accused. The CDR and NADRA records sought in this premature phase could potentially favor the accused disfavor the prosecution. Granting the application could also set a precedent, allowing defense lawyers to file similar requests for materials favoring the accused and burdening the court with another additional task of probing inquiry, thereby weakening the prosecution’s case at the very outset of proceedings. This scenario is neither necessary nor advisable at this early juncture, especially considering that the present application was submitted prior to the framing of charges.  


5.         Counsel for the applicant/accused submits that he would be satisfied if directions are issued to NADRA Karachi and I.O of Crime No. 350/2023 PS Jackson to collect call data of above cellular phones and keep in safe custody as applicant/accused intends to produce the same before trial Court in his statement under Section 342 Cr.P.C. In support of his submissions, he relied upon Muhammad Asif Ali Usama vs. The State and 2 others (2022 P.Cr.L.J 59).

6.         Addl. P.G recorded no objection.

7.         In the view of above, Criminal Revision Application is disposed of with direction to NADRA Karachi and I.O of aforesaid crime to collect the call data of above cellular phones for the period in between 22.10.2023 to 26.10.2023. Applicant/accused may produce the said call data before trial Court at the time of recording his statement under Section 342 Cr.P.C. However, such piece of evidence shall be considered by trial Court strictly in accordance with law.






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