Constitutional Petition No. D- 398 of 2022.  

Date of hearing                                Order with signature of Judge.

1.For orders on office objection as flag A.   

2.For hearing of main case..

3.For orders on M.A No.1445 of 2022.




                        Mr. Munwar Ali Abbasi, Asstt: A.G.


                        At the very outset, learned counsel submits copy of appeal filed by the petitioners before VC/respondent No.2 under cover of statement dated 21.02.2024, taken on record. Learned counsel submits that pursuant to directions issued by this Court the petitioner was allowed to participate in the examination, however, result thereof has not been pronounced due to pendency of this petition. As far their attendance is concerned, competent authority has granted relaxation            to other candidates upto 50% however, their case is below 50% i.e 48% and 45%. He further submits that competent  authority is competent  to grant further relaxation in favour of the petitioners  for which  appeal is also pending adjudication before the University and submits that looking to their future career special leniency and discretion may be exercised by the competent authority hence he prays for grant of petition and the petitioners may be allowed to continue with their education at par with those who have been granted relaxation and other batch mates. Counsel for the University is on general adjournment upto 23.02.2024, therefore, matter is hereby adjourned to 27.02.2024, to be taken up at 10.00 a.m. Meanwhile we have read the comments filed by the Registrar of University/Respondent No.4, however, Respondent No.4 is directed to appear before the Court on the said date alongwith counsel without fail after given due consideration and having authority  to deal with the submissions made by the petitioner as recorded  in the recitals on this order.  A copy of order shall be sent by fax today  to respondent No.4 for compliance.  




