C.  P No. D-774 of 2023



               Order with signature of Judge


1.                  For orders on M.A. No. 2710/2023. (Urgency Application).

2.                  For orders on office objection.

3.                  For orders on M.A. No. 22711/2023. (Exemption Application).

4.                  For hearing of main case.

5.                  For orders on M.A No. 2714/2023. (Stay Application).




Mr. Nasrullah Solangi, advocate for the petitioner.


            Through this petition, the petitioner has prayed for the following reliefs:-

a)         To direct the Respondents No. 01 to 10 to vacant the possession of land from the land grabbers of Respondent No:11 to 24 and same may be handed over peacefully and physically to the petitioner.

b)         To direct the land grabbers Respondent No 11 to 24 to vacant the possession of agricultural land of petitioner and same may be handed over peaceful manner and physically to the petitioner

c)         That to direct the official respondents No:1 to 10 to provide protection to the petitioner and his family and they may not harass as well as deprive the fundamental right of the petitioner and his family in the lieu of Karo Kari, and restrain to them such blamed upon the petitioner, such so many judgment passed by the Honourable High Courts as well Honourable Supreme courts against the honour killing and in the matter of Karo Kari particularly in SINDH a judgment passed by the Honourable High court of Sindh Circuit Court Larkana and same reported in the year 2016 PLD 265 in which its mentioned restrain to KARO KARI and about 100 petitions disposed off.

d)         That this Honourable court may kindly be pleased to provide protection to petitioner because the petitioner has apprehension for to precious life would be lost by the hands of the land grabbers and private persons.

e)         To award the costs of this petition.

f)         To grant any other relief, which this Honourable Court may be deems fit and proper under the facts and circumstances of this petition.

            It appears from the petition, which otherwise is badly drafted, that the petitioner claims ownership rights over certain agricultural land mentioned in the petition, which he has alleged to have been occupied by the private respondents. If the petitioner has actually been illegally dispossessed, then he has got alternate and efficacious remedy by approaching the appropriate forum of law under the provisions of Illegal Dispossession Act. So far legal protection is concerned, the petitioner is at liberty to approach the Justice of Peace concerned for redressal of his grievance.

            In view of above, instant petition being misconceived and not maintainable is hereby dismissed in limine along with listed applications.


