Crl. Bail Appln. No. S- 737 of 2023.


Applicant:                 Ahmeddin Brohi, through   Mr. Abdul Hakeem Brohi, Advocate.


Respondent:              The State, Mr. Ali Anwar Kandhro, Additional Prosecutor General.


Date of hearing:        29.01.2024.

Date of order:           29.01.2024.




Muhammad Saleem Jessar, J-.       Applicant Ahmeddin son of Rasool Bux Brohi has sought for his admission to pre-arrest bail in Crime No. 217 of 2023, registered at P.S Ratodero (District Larkana), for offences punishable under Sections 392 and 34 P.P.C.


            At very outset, learned counsel for the applicant contends that complainant has appeared before this Court and filed affidavit extending no objection to grant of pre arrest bail to the applicant. He further added that, two co-accused, namely, Karim-dad and Muhammad Ali have already been granted post arrest bail by learned trial Court. Learned counsel placed on record certified true copies of such orders in respect of grant of bail to co-accused. 


            Complainant Shafqat Hussain having CNIC, bearing No.43205-2191019-7, had put his appearance on last date of hearing i.e. 01.01.2024 and filed affidavit of no objection to confirmation of pre-arrest bail in favor of the applicant. Today, he has also appeared with same assertion. Learned D.P.G. in view of no objection affidavit filed by complainant concedes to grant of application.


            Accordingly, in view of foregoing, instant bail application stands allowed.  Consequently, interim pre arrest bail already granted to applicant vide Order dated 12.12.2023, is hereby confirmed on same terms and conditions.




