Crl. Bail Application No.S-736 of 2023


1.    For orders on O/objection at flag-A.

2.    For hearing of bail application.


Date of hearing     18.12.2023


Syed Murad Ali Shah, Advocate for applicant.


Mr. Ghulam Mujtaba Jakhar, Advocate for complainant


Syed Sardar Ali Shah, Addl. Prosecutor General for State.



                                    O R D E R

ZULFIQAR ALI SANGI, J;               Through this bail application the applicant Saleem son of Ghulam Qasim Leghari seeks post-arrest bail in Crime No.33/2020 Police Station, Sorah for offences punishable under Sections 302, 324, 337H(ii), 337A(i), F(i), 114, 148, 149 PPC. Earlier his bail application was declined by Additional Sessions Judge-/(MCTC), Khairpur vide order dated 22.10.2022.


2.       Facts of the case are mentioned in the FIR and copy whereof is attached with bail application therefore, there is no need to re-produce the same.


3.       It is contended by the learned Counsel for the applicant that applicant has falsely been implicated by the complainant with malafide intention and ulterior motives due to enmity; that there is                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         24 hours delay in lodging of the FIR for which no plausible explanation has been furnished by the complainant; that twelve persons have been nominated in the FIR, however, three were unknown and there are five injured persons and two are the deceased; that during investigation three accused persons have been let-off by the Investigating Officer; that co-accused Ranjhan, Ashique Hussain, Muhammad Amin, Saeed Khan, Sikandar have already been granted bail by the trial Court while accused Jaffer Hussain has been granted bail by this Court hence, rule of parity is applicable to the case of present applicant. Under these circumstances he prayed for grant of bail.


4.       As against, Syed Sardar Ali Shah, learned Additional Prosecutor General assisted by Mr. Ghulam Mujtaba Jakhar, learned Counsel for complainant vehemently opposed the bail plea and supported the impugned order passed by learned Additional Sessions Judge-I /(MCTC),  Khairpur. They also contended that specific role of firing from Repeater upon deceased Ahmed Khan is attributed against present applicant and the repeater was recovered from him. Delay is explained as injured was referred to hospital, however, complainant was with injured persons in Hospital. Indeed, on merits, the applicant is not entitled to bail as he made straight fires upon deceased Ahmed Khan from the Repeater within the sight of complainant who died on spot and another person also lost his life without any reason/rhyme which act apparently on face of it is heinous one. Lastly, they prayed for dismissal of bail to accused. They placed reliance upon the case of Allah Dewayo Shahani vs. The State through Prosecutor General, Sindh (2023 SCMR 1724).


5.       I have considered the arguments advanced by learned Counsel for parties and have gone through the record with their able assistance.


6.       Perusal of record reflects that name of present applicant/accused appeared in the FIR with specific role of firing with Repeater upon the deceased Ahmed Khan who on receiving firearm injury on his chest had died at spot. The applicant also actively participated in the commission of offence alongwith his other accomplices resulting two innocent persons have been done to death while the others become injured. The PWs have fully supported the version of complainant which is further corroborated by the medical certificates and the postmortem issued by the medical officer. The offence for which the applicant/accused has been charged carried punishment up to death and the same falls within the prohibitory clause of Section 497(2) Cr.P.C. The Supreme Court in the case of Ghani Khan vs. The State and another (2020 S C M R 594), has held as under:-

“After hearing the learned counsel for the petitioner, learned counsel appearing on behalf of the State and perusal of available record, it has been observed by us that the petitioner is named in the FIR with specific role of firing at the complainant HazratUllah, which as per the statement of the complainant, hit him on his right thigh and right side of his chest. The said allegation is prima facie supported by the medical evidence. The offence alleged against him falls within the prohibitory clause of section 497(2) Code of Criminal Procedure. In these circumstances he is not entitled to the concession of bail.

In the case of Ghulam Qammber Shah vs. Mukhtiar Hussain and others reported in (PLD 2015 Supreme Court 66), the Supreme Court has cancelled the bail granted by the High Court by observing as under:-

“On merits of the case we have noticed that respondent No.1 was attributed a specific firearm injury on the neck of Zahid Hussain who has so far stood by his allegation against the respondent in that respect and he is prima facie supported by the medical evidence. In these circumstances it could not be said that the case against respondent No.1 called for further inquiry into his guilt for the purposes of releasing on post-arrest bail.”

7.       It further appears that case of co-accused namely Ranjhan, Ashique Hussain, Muhammad Amin, Saeed Khan, Sikandar and Jaffer Hussain who were admitted to post-arrest bail by the trial Court as well as by this Court, is on different footings as they have not charged for causing injuries to the deceased persons and the role of present applicant is that he made straight fire from his repeater upon deceased Ahmed Khan who by receiving the same on his chest had died. Under these circumstances rule of consistency would not be available to applicant. It is settled law that bail application (s) are to be decided tentatively without going in to the merits in deep. From the tentative assessment of the material available on record I am of the view that there appear reasonable grounds for believing that the applicant is involved in the case where two innocent persons lost their lives and others received injuries. Result; thereof this bail application is dismissed.

8.       Needless to mentioned here that the observations made hereinabove are tentative in nature and shall not cause prejudice to the right of either party at trial.

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