Crl. Bail Application No.S-41 of 2022

Crl. Bail Application No.S-43 of 2022







1.   For orders on O/objection at flag-A.

2.   For hearing of bail application.



Date of hearing     20.10.2023



Syed Murad Ali Shah Advocate for applicants alongwith  applicants (on bail).


Mr. Irshad Hussain Dharejo, Advocate for complainant.


Mr. Shafi Muhammad Mahar, Deputy Prosecutor General for State.




                                    O R D E R


ZULFIQAR ALI SANGI, J;               Through captioned bail applications the applicants Shoukat Shah son of Ghulam Shabir Shah alias Koural Shah and Ali Nawaz son of Hakim Ali Buriro seek pre-arrest bail in Crime No.187/2021 Police Station, Shaheed Murtaza Mirani for offences punishable under Sections 394 PPC (in FIR) and 302 PPC (in challan). Earlier their bail application was declined by Additional Sessions Judge-I /(MCTC),  Khairpur vide order dated 15.01.2022.


2.       The crux of the prosecution case as unfolded in the FIR are that on 17.07.2021 at about 1900 hours complainant Ghulam Raza Dharejo lodged FIR  at Police Station, Shaheed Murtaza Mirani stating that on 27.06.2021 he alongwith his cousin Imam Bux son of Karim Bux Dharejo and nephew Piyaro Khan son of Sikandar Ali Dharejo were working in their lands his brother Muhammad Panjal on motorcycle for some work was proceeded and was return back, it was about 1215 a sound of motorcycle was heard by them and saw four persons on two motorcycles came behind his brother and reached at Sim Nali and they were robbing the motorcycles from his brother on which is resisted. They identified accused, namely, Nawaz son of Hakim Ali Buriro armed with pistol and Shoukat Shah son of Shabir Shah alias Koural Shah with pistol resident of near Rajpari Taluka Kotdiji while two unidentified accused, their faces were opened, yet identified, if seen again. The accused Ali Nawaz made direct fire upon his brother which hit him on his left arm while accused Shoukat Shah made direct fire from his pistol which hit him on his left side to which they have hakals, however, unidentified accused pointed weapons upon them, his brother fell on ground and all the accused persons boarded on their respective motorcycles run away towards southern side. Complainant saw his brother Muhammad Panjal was sustained injuries. He got letter for medical treatment thereafter he appeared at Police Station and lodged such FIR.


3.       Learned Counsel for the applicant contended that applicants have falsely been implicated by the complainant with malafide intention and ulterior motives due to previous enmity over landed property; that applicants have nothing to do with the alleged offence; that there is 20 days delay in lodging of the FIR for which no plausible explanation has been furnished by the complainant; that applicants were arrested on 25.07.2021 thereafter brother of applicant Ali Nawaz filed application u/s 491 Cr.P.C, and he was released on bail by the Civil Judge/J.M-I, Khairpur; that incident occurred on open public place but no any independent person has been cited as witness of the incident which creates serious doubt in the case of prosecution; that story as alleged in the FIR appears to be false and fabricated; that as per FIR general allegation of firing upon deceased is leveled  against both applicants. He further contended that deep scrutiny of evidence is not permissible, nor it was the requirement of law at bail stage, however, question could be decided in vacuum as to whether accused are prima facie connected with the commission of offence or not. By contending so, he prayed for grant of bail.


4.       As against, Mr. Shafi Mohammad Mahar, learned Deputy Prosecutor General assisted by Mr. Irshad Hussain Dharejo, learned Counsel for complainant vehemently opposed for confirmation of bail and supported the impugned order passed by learned Additional Sessions Judge-I /(MCTC),  Khairpur. He also contended that specific role of firing upon deceased is attributed against present applicants. Delay is explained as injured was referred to Karachi, however, complainant was with injured at Hospital at Karachi to save his life. Indeed, on merits, the applicants are not entitled to bail as they both made straight fires upon deceased Muhammad Panjal within the sight of complainant who later on died in hospital and one innocent person has lost his life without any reason/rhyme which act apparently on face of it is illegal and unlawful. He submits that learned Magistrate did not discuss the material or giving any reasoning while granting bail. Lastly, he prayed for dismissing the bail application. He relied upon the case of Muhammad Jahangir Khan and others v. The State and others reported in (2020 SCMR 1270), 2. Shoukat Illahi v. Javed Iqbal and others (2010 SCMR 966) and 3. Shaukat Hayat v. The State (2010 SCMR 1931)


5.       I have considered the arguments advanced by learned Counsel for parties and have gone through the record.


6.       Perusal of record reflects that names of present applicants/accused appear in the FIR with specific role of firing upon deceased Mumtaz Ali. Ali the accused armed with pistols made direct fires with their pistols upon deceased Muhammad Panjal within the sight of complainant party which he received on different on his body and they shared common intention in causing the death of deceased and have actively participated in the commission of offence. During investigation both applicants/accused were arrested on 25.07.2021 near Sim Nail and crime weapons viz. Pistols and robbed motorcycle were secured from their possession. No doubt applicant Ali Nawaz was released by Magistrate but he did not discuss the material available before him nor giving any reasoning in the Order. Per FIR during robbery the applicant Ali Nawaz made direct fire upon deceased which hit him on left arm while accused Shoukat Shah made direct fire from his pistol which hit deceased on left side within the sight of complainant and as per postmortem report deceased Muhammad Panjal was occurred due to fire arm injuries, thus the medical cversion is in support of ocular account. The specific role of straight firing is also against them. The PWs have fully supported the version of complainant which is further corroborated by the medical evidence. Thus, prima facie incident has been committed by more than one person. From the material available on record I am of the view that there are reasonable grounds for believing that the applicants are involved in the case. This Court is conscious of the fact that concept of pre-arrest bail is an extra-ordinary relief, which is limited to rare cases based upon trumped-up charges rather it has to be extended sparingly. I am taking guideline from dictum laid down by the Honourable Supreme Court in case of Muhammad Jahangir Khan and others v. The State and others reported in 2020 SCMR 1270 wherein the Honourable Supreme Court has held that “To avail such relief, it is obligatory to establish that the prosecution has been launched, which is based upon malafide, ulterior motives and if it is materialized, it would certainly cause irreparable loss to his reputation. The practice to grant ad-interim bail is extension of such a remedy to act as a shield to protect innocent person facing highhandedness of individuals or authority against frivolous litigation. Literally speaking the terms ad-interim is a misnomer as it has fallen in practice”. The offence for which the applicants/accused have been charged falls within the prohibitory clause of Section 497(2) Cr.P.C.


7.       In view of above, I am of the considered view that the applicants/accused have failed to make out a case for grant of bail. Accordingly, the bail application is dismissed. Interim pre-arrest bail already granted to the applicants/accused vide order dated 24.01.2022 is hereby recalled and surety is discharged. Applicants namely, Shoukat Shah and Ali Nawaz Buriro are present on interim pre-arrest bail, they are taken into custody and remanded to Central Prison-I Sukkur. Superintendent Central Prison-I, Sukkur is directed to produce the applicants before learned trial Court on each and every date of hearing. Copy of this order be sent to the trial Court for information.


 Crl. Bail application No.S-41 and 43 of 2022 stand disposed of in the above terms.



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