Cr. Bail Application No.S-147 of 2022




Applicant:                                  Asad Ali, through

                                                  Mr. Nisar Ahmed Bhanbhro, Advocate


Complainant:                             Muhammad Mashooque, through

                                                  Mr. Ali Akbar Shar, Advocate


State:                                         Through Mr. Aftab Ahmed Shar,

                                                  Additional Prosecutor General


Date of hearing:                         18.07.2022


Dated of order:                           18.07.2022




Shamsuddin Abbasi, J:  Applicant / accused Asad Ali, seeks his       pre-arrest bail in Crime No.09/2022, registered at Police Station Sobhodero, for offences punishable under sections 324, 337-A(i),  337-F(i), 337-H(ii), 506/2, 504, 147, 148, 149 PPC, after rejection of his bail by learned trial court vide order dated 28.03.2022. 

2.                As per prosecution story on 07.01.2022 at 2.30 p.m complainant Muhammad Mashooque along with his brothers namely Tahmor Ali, Hatime Ali, Abdul Jabbar and Rustam Ali were standing in front of their house where they saw that accused Ishtiaque Husain and others were fixing hedge to their land, complainant restrained them on which accused said that today they would never spare him and commit his murder, saying so accused Istique caused stick blow of hatchet to Tahmoor Ali on his head, who fell down, accused Mazhar Ali caused stick blow of hatchet to Rustam Ali on his head and left eye, accused Muhammad Sale and Abdul Jabbar caused hatchet blow to complainant on his head and right hand, accused Kshif caused stick blow of hatchet to complainant on his head, accused Fayyaz Hussain caused butt of gun to complainant on his head which hit on his back while other accused caused blows to them. Complainant party raised cries on which neighbours came running and seeing them all the accused fled away issuing threat of murder and making aerial firing. 

3.                It is contended by learned counsel for the applicant that there is delay of six (6) days in lodgment of FIR for which no plausible explanation has been furnished by the complainant; that no specific role has been assigned to present applicant and bail has been granted to seven other co-accused who were assigned specific role on the ground that complainant has given his no objection; that offence does not come within the prohibitory clause of section 497 Cr.P.C; that there is recorded enmity between the parties and on the basis of enmity he has been falsely implicated in this case, therefore he feels apprehension of arrest at the hands of police with the connivance of complainant. Lastly he prayed for confirmation of interim pre-arrest bail already granted to applicant.

4.                Learned Additional Prosecutor General, assisted by learned counsel for the complainant has submitted that no doubt no specific role has been assigned to the present applicant but he has shared common intention as such he is not entitled for extra ordinary concession.


5.                Heard learned counsel for the respective parties and perused the material available on record.


6.               Admittedly there is delay of six days in lodgment of FIR as alleged incident had taken place on 07.01.2022, whereas the FIR has been lodged on 13.01.2022 and in back ground of enmity it cannot be that FIR has been lodged by complainant after due deliberation and consultation. It is matter of record that no specific role has been assigned to the present applicant and specific role has been assigned to those who were granted bail. The case has been challaned and no purpose would be served out to recall his interim pre-arrest bail and then admit him on post-arrest bail. Sufficient material is available on record which makes out the case of present applicant for further enquiry in terms of section 497(2) Cr.P.C. Resultantly interim pre-arrest bail already granted to the applicant on 31.03.2022 is hereby confirmed on the same terms and conditions.


7.              The observations made hereinabove are tentative in nature only for the purpose of deciding the instant bail application, which shall not, in any manner, influence the learned Trial Court at the time of final decision of the subject case.









Suleman Khan/PA