Criminal Misc. Application No. 405 of 2022

(ASI Ghulam Yaseen vs. Bank Al-Falah and another)


Date                     Order with signature of Judges


Fresh Case


1.     For orders on M.A.No. 8678/2022

2.     For orders on office objection  and reply as flag A

3.     For orders on M.A.No. 8679/2022

4.     For hearing of main case




Petitioner in person



1.       Urgent application is granted.

2&3.  Deferred.

4.       The applicant in his personal capacity, without obtaining permission from his high ups, purporting to be Investigation Officer of FIR Crime No.555/2022 under Section 489-F PPC of PS Gulistan-e-Jauhar has sought for direction from this Court against the officials of Bank Al-Falah, Gulsistan-e-Jauhar, Block-20, Karachi to provide him details of Accounts in respect of cheques said to be subject matter of FIR in terms of Section 94 Cr.P.C by way of instant application under Section 561-A Cr.P.C.


On being asked why he has not approached the high ups of the concerned Bank for the needful, it was stated by the applicant that they are not providing any assistance to him. If it is so, even then it may not be a reason for him to have approached this Court directly for the needful they obviously were to have been dealt with in accordance with law on account of their failure to render assistance in investigation of a criminal case, consequently, the instant application being misconceived is dismissed in limine.

