Constitutional Petition No. D – 615 of 2022


Date of hearing

Order with signature of Judge


Hearing of case

1.    For hearing on CMA No.2481/2022 (Stay Application)

2.    For hearing of main case




Mr. Sundar Khan Chachar, Advocate for the Petitioners.

Mr. Ali Asghar K. Panhyar, Advocate for Respondents No. 9

Mr. Muhammad Rehan Khan Durrani, Advocate for Respondent 10.

Mr. Ali Raza Pathan, D.A.G.

Mr. Ali Raza Balouch, A.A.G.

Mr. Zeeshan Haider Qureshi, Law Officer, ECP.




ZAFAR AHMED RAJPUT, J.  Petitioners Arz Muhammad and Fida Hussain filed their nomination papers in Form-II-(A) separately to contest Local Council Elections-2022 for the seats of Chairman and Vice-Chairman, respectively, of Union Council No.15, Saleh Mahar, Taluka & District Ghotki, which were rejected by the Returning Officer/respondent No.7, vide order dated 18.05.2022, on the ground that the same were to be filed jointly. Against that order, the petitioners preferred Election Appeal No. 08/2022, which was also dismissed by the Appellate Authority, vide order dated 26.05.2022. It is against those orders, that the instant Const. Petition under Article 199 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 has been preferred by the petitioners.


2.      Learned counsel for the petitioners contends that filing of separate nomination papers in Form-II-(A) by the petitioners was not a mistake of substantial nature; hence, the respondent No.7 ought to have accepted the same, while the Appellate Authority failed to appreciate such position and passed the impugned order, which is not sustainable in law.


3.      Conversely, learned counsel for the respondents No.9 & 10, D.A.G., A.A.G. and Law Officer of E.C.P fully support the impugned orders.

4.      Heard, record perused.


5.      It may be observed that sub-section (2) & (5) of Section 18 of the Sindh Local Government Act, 2013 provide election to the Chairman and Vice-Chairman for Union Committees in urban area and Union Councils in the rural area as joint candidates. Under Rule 16 of the Sindh Local Councils (Election) Rules, 2015, the Returning Officers invite nomination of Chairman and Vice-Chairman as joint candidates by a nomination paper in Form II-(A) duly signed by them as well as their proposer and seconder. Hence, the law provides filing of nomination papers by the candidates to contest election of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman in a Form II-A jointly as mandatory requirement.


6.      In the instant case, it is an admitted position that the petitioners have filed their nomination papers in Form II-(A) separately with different proposers and seconders, with the result that the proposer and seconder of the petitioner No.1 have only proposed and seconded him for the seat of Chairman of subject U.C., as they have not proposed and seconded to petitioner No.2 for the seat of Vie-Chairman and vice versa. The very defect of filing of nomination papers separately by the petitioners with distinct proposers and seconders was a defect of substantial nature; hence, the respondent No.7 rightly rejected the same.


7.      For the foregoing facts and reasons, we have found no illegality or irregularity in the impugned orders requiring any interference by this Court in its Constitutional jurisdiction. Accordingly, instant petition is dismissed along with listed application, with no order as to costs.





Abdul Basit