Criminal Rev. Application No. S-72 of 2016.



               Order with signature of Judge


For hearing of main case.


Mr. Amanullah G. Malik, Advocate for applicants.

Mr. Muhammad Zahaib Azam, Advocate for complainant.

Mr. Aftab Ahmed Shar, Additional P.G.



          Through this Criminal Revision Application, the applicants have impugned Judgment dated 16.05.2016 passed by learned Additional Sessions Judge Pano Akil as well as Judgment dated 23.06.2015 passed by 2nd Judicial Magistrate Pano Akil, in Crime No.104/2014, for offence under sections 337-A(i), 37-L(ii), 337-A(ii), 337-F(i) PPC registered at Police Station Baiji Shareef District Sukkur.


2.      Learned counsel for applicants at the very outset submits that due to intervention of nekmards of locality, parties have compromised the matter with the applicants and have filed their affidavits before this Court stating therein that they have patched up the matter outside the Court and now they want to leave peacefully in the area and they have forgiven the applicants/accused in the name of Almighty Allah. He lastly prayed for applicants/accused may be acquitted of the charge.

3.      On the other hand learned Additional P.G raised no objection for allowing of the instant Revision Application and acquittal of the applicants/accused.

4.      Since complainant Pathan alias Shoukat and injured Ihsan are present in Court  and affirm the contention of the affidavits filed by them. Since the parties have compromised with each other. In the circumstances instant Revision Application is allowed. The conviction and sentence awarded to the applicants/accused Amanullah, Salar and Badal by the two Courts below, passed in criminal case No. 148/2014 passed by 2nd Judicial Magistrate Pano Akil vide Judgment dated 23.06.2015 and in Criminal Appeal No.11/2015 passed by learned Additional Sessions Judge, Pano Akil vide Judgment dated 16.05.2016 respectively is hereby set aside and they are acquitted of the charges.  Applicants/accused are present on bail, their bail bonds stand cancelled and sureties are discharged.  Office is further to return the surety papers to the surety(s) after proper verification and identification as per rules.


