Criminal Jail Appeal No.S-92 of 2018


Appellant                 :           1. Ghulam Rasool s/o Misri Khan Mari.

2. Muhammad Ilyas s/o Mureed Khan     



Through. Mr. Shabbir Ali Bozdar advocate.


Criminal Appeal No.S-93 of 2018


Appellant                 :           Mureed Hussain s/o Barkat Ali Mari.

                                                Through Miss Ambar Iqbal, advocate


The State                 :           Through Mr. Imran Mobeen Khan,

Assistant Prosecutor General.


Complainant                       :           Muhammad Bux Jokhio.

               Through Mr. Abdul Qadir Khanzada,


Date of hearing     :           12-04-2021.

Date of decision    :           12-04-2021.




IRSHAD ALI SHAH, J; The appellants by preferring two separate appeals have impugned judgment dated 30-08-2018 passed by learned 1st Additional Sessions Judge, Naushahro Feroze whereby they have been convicted and sentenced as under;

Accused Ghulam Rasool Mari and Muhammad Ilyas Sahito are hereby convicted u/s 265-H(ii) Cr.P.C and sentenced for the offence u/s 364 R/W Section 149 PPC to suffer R.I for seven years and to pay fine of Rs.30,000/- each, in case of default of payment of fine, they shall suffer R.I for three months more. Both accused Ghulam Rasool and Muhammad Ilyas are also convicted u/s 265-H(ii) Cr.P.C and sentenced for the offence punishable u/s 395 R/W Section 149 PPC to suffer R.I for five years and to pay fine of Rs. 30,000/- each, in case of default of payment of fine, they shall suffer R.I for six months more. Accused Ghulam Rasool and Muhammad Ilyas are also convicted u/s 265-H(ii) Cr.P.C and sentenced for the offence punishable u/s 201 R/W Section 149 PPC to suffer R.I for three years and to pay fine of Rs.20,000/- each, in case of default of payment of fine, they shall suffer R.I for one month more. There is also allegation of committed murder and disappearance of dead body of Imran Jokhio against them/Ghulam Rasool and Muhammad Ilyas, hence, aforesaid accused Ghulam Rasool Mari and Muhammad Ilyas Sahito are further convicted and sentenced for offence u/s 302 (b) R/W Section 149 PPC to suffer R.I for life as Tazir. In addition to conviction, the accused Ghulam Rasool and Muhammad Ilyas are directed to pay compensation of an amount of Rs. 200,000/- (two lacs) each to the legal heirs of deceased Imran Jokhio. In default of payment of compensation, they shall suffer further R.I for six months more. While accused Mureed Hussain Mari is found guilty of offence punishable u/s 201 PPC, hence he too is convicted u/s 265-H(ii) Cr.P.C and sentenced for the offence u/s 201 PPC to suffer R.I for three years and to pay fine of Rs. 20,000/-, in case of default to payment of fine, he shall suffer R.I for one month more.

            All the sentences awarded to the appellants were ordered to run concurrently with benefit of section 382(b) Cr.P.C.

2.         The facts in brief necessary for disposal of instant appeals are that on 20-05-2010, complainant Muhammad Bux, PW Abdul Shakoor and Imran Ali allegedly after attending a Majlis-e-Aza at Naushahro Feroze were going back to their village through Rickshaw, when reached at regulator, they were confronted by five persons, they under the light of bulb were identified by them to be appellants Ghulam Rasool and Muhammad Ilyas being police personnel while remaining three persons could not be identified by them, they robbed the complainant and PW Abdul Shakoor of their belongings and then took with them Imran Ali under the pretext that he is wanted by them and then let the complainant and PW Abdul Shakoor to go by their Rickshaw together with Rickshaw driver. Imran Ali did not return, therefore, the complainant lodged the FIR with the Police Station Phull on 04-06-2010. On investigation, it transpired that after committing death of Imran Ali, the appellants and others in order to save themselves from legal consequences, have caused disappearance of his dead body. Successive investigation was conducted through Joint Investigation Teams (JITs), consequently, the appellants together with co-accused Muhammad Aslam and Abdul Samad were challaned by the police to face trial for the above said offence.

3.         At trial, the appellants, co-accused Muhammad Aslam and Abdul Samad did not plead guilty to the charge and prosecution to prove it, examined complainant Muhammad Bux and his witnesses and then closed its side.

4.        The appellants, co-accused Muhammad Aslam and Abdul Samad in their statements recorded u/s 342 Cr.P.C denied the prosecution’s allegation by pleading innocence. They did not examine themselves on oath or anyone in their defence excepting co-accused Muhammad Aslam, who examined himself on oath.

5.         On conclusion of the trial co-accused Muhammad Aslam and Abdul Samad were acquitted while the appellants were convicted and sentenced as is detailed above by learned trial Court by way of impugned judgment.

6.        It is contended by learned counsel for the appellants that the appellants being innocent have been involved in this case falsely by the complainant party on account of previous enmity; the FIR of the incident has been lodged with delay of about 15 days; the 161 Cr.P.C statements of PW Abdul Shakoor have been  recorded with further delay of 03 days even to FIR; on successive investigation, no definite opinion has been arrived at by the police with regard to the involvement of the appellants in the incident; the dead body of the deceased has never been recovered and on the basis of same evidence co-accused Muhammad Aslam and Abdul Samad have been acquitted while the appellants have been convicted and sentenced by learned trial Court, therefore the appellants too are liable to their acquittal by extending them benefit of doubt.

7.         Learned A.P.G for the State did not support the conviction and sentence recorded against the appellants for an offence punishable u/s 302(b) PPC by contending that none has seen the appellants committing the death of Imran Ali or causing disappearance of his dead body. However he supported the conviction and sentence recorded against the appellants for offence of abduction of Imran Ali and robbery from the complainant and PW Abdul Shakoor.

8.        Learned counsel for the complainant by supporting the impugned judgment has sought for dismissal of the instant appeals by contending that the prosecution has been able to prove its case against the appellants beyond shadow of doubt and the case of the co-accused, who have been acquitted was distinguishable to that of appellants.

9.        I have considered the above arguments and perused the record.

10.       As per complainant Muhammad Bux and PW Abdul Shakoor, they and Imran Ali on 20-05-2010 after attending Majlis-e-Aza at Naushahro Feroze were going back to their village through Rickshaw, when reached at police picket Phull, they were confronted by appellants Ghulam Rasool, Muhammad Ilyas and others, they robbed them of their belongings and then took away Imran Ali with them under the pretext that he is wanted by them and then let them to go, Imran Ali did not return. The identity of the appellants Ghulam Rasool and Muhammad Ilyas is based by the complainant and PW Abdul Shakoor under the light of bulb, which is a weak piece of evidence. If Imran Ali was actually taken away with them by appellants Ghulam Rasool and Muhammad Ilyas together with rest of the unknown culprits, then it was obligatory upon the complainant and PW Abdul Shakoor to have reported the incident with the police promptly. It was not done by them for no obvious reason, therefore the lodgment of the FIR by them on     04-06-2010 with police station Phull with delay of about 15 days under the pretext that they were waiting for their Nekmard to come is not appearing to be plausible. The unexplained delay in lodgment of FIR obviously is reflecting consultation and deliberation. The 161 Cr.P.C statement of PW Abdul Shakoor as per him was recorded by the police on 07-06-2010. It was on 3rd day of the FIR even. No plausible explanation to such delay is offered by the prosecution. In that situation, no much reliance could be placed upon his evidence. The only independent witness on point of alleged abduction of Imran Ali was the Rickshaw driver. He has not been examined by the prosecution. His non-examination could not be lost sight of. The inference which could be drawn of his non-examination would be that he was not going to support the case of prosecution. Admittedly, none has seen the appellants or anyone else committing the death of Imran Ali. His dead body has not yet been recovered by the police. The one which was recovered by the police within jurisdiction of Police Station Bhitt Shah, as per SIO/SIP Ghulam Shabbir was not recognized by the complainant party to be of Imran Ali. In that situation it would be  hard to conclude that Imran Ali has actually died or killed. If for the sake of arguments, it is believed that he actually has died or killed, the what was actual cause of his death? Perhaps in these circumstances, learned APG for the State has not supported the conviction against the appellants for offence punishable under section 302 (b) PPC. PW Naeem Mallah, who as per SIO/SIP Abdul Majeed lastly seen Imran Ali in company of appellants Ghulam Rasool and Muhammad Ilyas has not been examined by the prosecution. The inference, which could be drawn of his non-examination, too would be that he was not going to support the case of prosecution. There is no recovery of any sort from appellants, which may connect them with the allegation of robbery. The successive investigation of the case was conducted at the instance of Mst. Shaheen, said to be the mother of Imran Ali, she too has not been examined by the prosecution for no obvious, reason, though she was examined by the police during course of investigation. Mr. Irfan Ali Baloch the then SSP Khairpur, being member of one of the JIT was fair enough to state that he cannot say that the accused present in court are involved in charged offence. Mr. Irfan Mukhtiar, the then SP Investigation Khairpur being member of another JIT has inter-alia stated that;

“After conducting investigation and recording statement of witnesses we arrived at conclusion that legal action should be taken against PC.72 Samad of PP Phull for not providing information to be chain of investigation. Departmental and legal action should be taken against HC Qurban Ali Kalhoro and WHC of PP Phull. No departmental and legal action should be taken against SIP Mureed Hussain Mari incharge of PP Phull. SIP Aslam Leghari SHO PS Naushahro Feroze and SIP Ghulam Shabbir Sahito SIO PP Phull. Ghulam Rasool and Muhammad Ilyas are innocent”.

11.       Surprisingly, on the basis of same evidence, co-accused Muhammad Aslam and Abdul Samad have been acquitted. In these circumstances, it could be concluded safely that the involvement of the appellants in the alleged incident, the prosecution has not been able to prove beyond shadow of doubt.

12.       In case of Mehmood Ahmed & others vs. the State & another (1995 SCMR-127), it has been observed by the Hon’ble Apex Court that;

“Delay of two hours in lodging the FIR
in the particular circumstances of the case had assumed great significance as the same could be attributed to consultation, taking instructions and calculatedly preparing the report keeping the names of the accused open for roping in such persons whom ultimately the prosecution might wish to implicate”.


13.       In case of Abdul Khaliq vs. the State (1996 SCMR 1553), it has been observed by Hon’ble Apex Court that;

“----S.161---Late recording of statements of the prosecution witnesses under section 161 Cr.P.C. Reduces its value to nil unless delay is plausibly explained.”


14.       In case of Sardar Bibi and others vs. Munir Ahmed and others (2017 SCMR-344), it has been held by the Hon’ble Apex Court that;

“When the eye-witnesses produced by the prosecution were disbelieved to the extent of one accused person attributed effective role, then the said eye-witnesses could not be relied upon for the purpose of convicting another accused person attributed a similar role without availability of independent corroboration to the extent of such other accused”.


15.       In case of Muhammad Mansha vs The State                                 (2018 SCMR 772), it has been held by the Hon’ble Apex Court that;

“4….Needless to mention that while giving the benefit of doubt to an accused it is not necessary that there should be many circumstances creating doubt. If there is a circumstance which creates reasonable doubt in a prudent mind about the guilt of the accused, then the accused would be entitled to the benefit of such doubt, not as a matter of grace and concession, but as a matter of right. It is based on the maxim, "it is better that ten guilty persons be acquitted rather than one innocent person be convicted".


16.      Above of the reasons of short order dated 12-04-2021 whereby the captioned appeals were allowed in following terms.

  “Consequently, Appellants are acquitted of the offence for which they were tried, convicted and sentenced by the learned trial Court. Appellant Mureed Hussain Mari is present in Court on bail. His bail bond is cancelled and surety is discharged. While Appellants Ghulam Rasool and Muhammad Ilyas are in custody; they shall be released forthwith in the present case, if they are no more required in any other custody case”.



