Judgment Sheet


Criminal Appeal No.  D- 76 of 2015




Mr. Justice Naimatullah Phulpoto &

Mr. Justice Khadim Hussain Tunio.

Date of hearing:                  15.10.2019


Mr. Abdul Baqi Jan Kakar Advocate for Appellant.

Mr. Mohsin Ali Special Prosecutor ANF.







NAIMATULLAH PHULPOTO, J.  Nabi Bakhsh Shahwani Balouch appellant was tried by learned Sessions Judge / Special Judge (CNS) Sukkur for offence under sections 9 ( c ) Control of Narcotic Substances Act,1997. After regular trial, vide Judgment dated 30.07.2015  appellant was convicted for offence under section 9 (c) CNS Act, 1997 and sentenced to imprisonment for life and to pay fine of Rs. 100,000/- ( one lac ), in case of non payment of fine, he was ordered  to suffer S.I for one year. However, appellant was extended benefit of Section 382‑B Cr.P.C.


2.                     Brief facts leading to the filing of appeal are that on 05.03.2013 Inspector Tahir Ahmed of A.N.F Sukkur received spy information that an interprovincial narcotics smuggler Agha Jan R/O Quetta would smuggle huge quantity of narcotics through his agent, in Truck No. TKQ-088 Nissan, having white colour from Quetta to Sukkur via Shikarpur. On receipt of such information, from higher authorities, a raiding party was constituted by the Inspector consisting of N/S Arsahd Raza,  ASI Syed Salman,  HC Abdul Wahab, PCs Abdul Hafeez, Muhammad Haneef, Zaheer Ahmed, LNK Yousif Ali, PC drivers Saifullah, Zafar Rehman and other ANF officials. ANF Party left in two Government vehicles from police station vide roznamcha entry No.10 at 0400 hours reached near Railway Flyover Naz Bypass road, Sukkur and  held Nakabandi at 0515 hours. It is stated that said Truck bearing No.TKQ-088 appeared from Shikarpur side which was stopped and appellant was sitting on the driving seat. Due to non availability of the private persons at spot, Inspector Tahir Ahmed made ASI Syed Salman and PC Zaheer Ahmed as mashirs and asked the accused about his name and his address, to which he disclosed his name  as Nabi Bakhsh son of Rasool Bakhsh bycaste Shahwani Balouch R/O Quetta. He further disclosed that he was driving the said truck. On the enquiry, accused disclosed that 250 packets of Charas were lying / kept in secret cavity of the fuel tank on the left side of truck. Thereafter, said charas was recovered from the secret cavities, on the pointation of the accused. Each packet was opened, checked and found 2 slabs of Charas. Each packet was weighed separately, per packet there was 1/1 kilogram having total weight of 250 kilogrmas of Charas, out of which, multi coloured foil pack packets 50 in number having weight 50 K.gs were put into green colour plastic gunny bag and sealed for chemical analysis.  Remaining charas 40/40 kilograms were sealed separately, in five gunny bags. Perosnal search of the accused was conducted and one bill of loading receipt, copy of CNIC of the appellant, challan receipt of the motorway police, mobile phone Nokia with sim and cash of Rs.500/- were recovered. Thereafter, accused was arrested in presence of mashirs. Case property was separately sealed. Samples were also sealed at spot. Thereafter, accused and case property was brought at Police station. In the FIR, Truck No. TKQ-088 has been mentioned  so also its engine and chasis numbers. FIR was lodged against the accused on behalf of State by Inspector Tahir Ahmed which was recorded vide crime No.05 of 2013 for offence under section 9 (C) CNS Act, 1997. On the second day, sample of 50 Kilograms in one sealed plastic katta was sent to Chemical Examiner Rohri for analysis. 161 Cr.P.C statements of the P.ws were recorded. After receipt of the positive report from the Chemical Examiner and on the conclusion of investigation challan was submitted against the  accused for offence under section 9 ( c) CNS Act, 1997.


3.                     Trial Court framed charge against appellant under above referred section at Exh.04 to which appellant pleaded not guilty and claimed to be tried.


4.                     In order to substantiate the charge, prosecution has examined PW‑1 mashir ASI Syed Salman at Exh.07 who produced attested copy of entry No.10 at Exh.7-A and mashirnama of arrest and recovery at Exh.7-B. Prosecution has also examined complainant Inspector Tahir Ahmed at Exh.8 who produced FIR at Exh.8-A and positive report of Chemical examiner at Exh.8-B. Thereafter, prosecution side was closed


5.                     Trial Court recorded statement of accused U/S 342 Cr.P.C at Exh.10. Accused claimed false implication in this case and denied the prosecution allegations. Regarding positive report of the Chemical Examiner, he has raised plea that it has been managed. In a question what else he has to say? Accused has replied that truck did not belong to him and he was arrested from the Quetta.  Accused has examined himself on oath in disproof of prosecution allegation at Exh.11. In defense appellant / accused also examined D.Ws Noor Ahmed and Abdul Qudoos.


6.                    Trial Court after hearing learned counsel for the parties and assessment of the evidence vide Judgment dated 30.07.2015 convicted and sentenced the appellant as stated above. Hence, this appeal.


7.                    Learned advocate for the appellant mainly argued that prosecution has utterly failed to establish its case against the appellant; that the safe custody and safe transmission of the charas to the Chemical Examiner have also not been established. He also argued that prosecution has failed to examine the Head Muharir of the Police Station. It is also argued by the counsel for appellant that Inspector Tahir Ahmed in his evidence no where has stated that accused pointed out the secret cavities in truck. He has further submitted that positive chemical report was received by the Investigation Officer after seven days for which no plausible explanation has been furnished;  that attested copies of arrival and departure roznamcha entries have been produced in evidence but the original have not been produced. It is also argued that there are material contradictions in the evidence of prosecution witnesses on so many material particulars of the case and prosecution has failed to establish its case. In support of his contentions, he has relied upon the cases of Ikramullah and others vs. The State (2015 SCMR 1002) and Abdul Ghani and others vs. The State and others (2019 SCMR 608).


8.                     Mr. Mohsin Ali Special Prosecutor ANF submits that arrival and departure entries have been produced before the trial Court. He further submits that as regards to the contention of defense regarding safe custody and safe transmission of charas to the chemical examiner are concerned, no question with regard to the tampering or manipulation has been put up to the prosecution witnesses during cross examination. He further submits that it was quite difficult for the ANF to foist such huge quantity of the charas upon the appellant. Lastly, it is argued that evidence of the ANF officials is as good as of private persons. In support of his contentions he has relied upon the cases of Shah Muhammad vs. The State (2012 SCMR 1276) and Muhammad Sarfraz vs. The State and others (2017 SCMR 1874).


9.                     We have carefully heard the learned counsel for the parties and perused the relevant record.


10.                   Inspector Tahir Ahmed (PW-2) the head of ANF officials has deposed that on 05.03.2013 he had received spy information through his superiors that interprovincial drug dealer Agha Jan resident of Quetta would smuggle huge quantity of charas through accused Nabi Bakhsh in truck bearing No. TKQ-088 of white colour from Quetta to Sukkur via Shikarpur. On receipt of such information, raiding party was constituted by him. Thereafter, he proceeded to the pointed place and held NAKBANDI . He has further stated that he had made entry at ANF Police station. At 0515 hours Truck bearing registration of No. TKQ-088 appeared form Shikarpur side. It was stopped, which was being driven by the appellant. He was apprehended. Due to non availability of private persons, Inspector made ASI Syed Salman and PC Zaheer Ahmed as mashirs. On enquiry, Inspector enquired his name to which he disclosed his name as Nabi Bakhsh son of Rasool Bux Shahwani Balouch resident of Quetta. He has further deposed that accused after avoiding, finally disclosed that there was charas in the fuel tank on the left side of the truck. It was recovered on his pointation, in all there were 250 packets. Same packets were checked one by one and charas was found in the shape of slabs. Each packet was weighed separately and became one kilogram and in all there were 250 kilograms of the charas. Out of which 50 packets were separated and separately sealed for chemical analysis and remaining property was also separately sealed.  From the possession of the accused, some articles were recovered such as CNIC, one bullity, receipt of challan of Motorway. Thereafter, mashirnama of arrest and recovery was made in presence of above said mashirs. Thereafter, accused and property were brought at Police station and FIR was lodged against the accused. On the next day 6.3.2013  sample was sent to the chemical examiner in one sealed plastic katta through Pc Abdul Hafeez for chemical analysis and report. Investigation Officer received the positive report and produced at Exh.8-B. He was cross examined by the defense counsel at length and stated that PC Abdul Hafeez has not been examined before the trial Court. He has also replied that Incharge of the Malkhana has also not been examined. Prosecution in order to substantiate the case, has also examined SIP Syed Salman who was member of raiding party and mashir in this case. He has also given the same episode and stated that appellant was arrested from the Byepass Sukkur when he was driving the truck and from secret cavities of the truck charas was recovered on the pointation of the accused. He has deposed that there was one kilogram charas in each packet and total weight was 250 kilograms and 50 packets weighing 50 kilograms of charas were separated out of recovered charas for sending to Chemical Examiner. He was also cross examined at length and denied the suggestion that he was deposing falsely at the instance of complainant.


                        D.Ws Noor Ahmed (Ex. 12) and Abdul Qudoos (Ex.13) have deposed that they reside at Qambrani road Quetta. On 01.03.2013 at 11.00 a.m appellant was picked up from his house by F.C in two government vehicles. After some time they came to know that appellant has been involved by A.N.F in narcotic case. D.Ws could not explain as to why they remained silent and did not complain the high officials against F.C.  We are also of the considered view that defense plea has rightly been rejected by the trial Court as defense theory was after thought.


11.                   After hearing the learned counsel for the parties, we have carefully scanned the evidence available on record.


12.                   Close scrutiny of evidence shows that prosecution has succeeded to prove its case that appellant was driving the Truck No.TKQ-088 on 05.03.2013 at 0515 hours. He was arrested red-handed and on his pointation from secret cavities at oil tank, charas was recovered by ANF officials. Evidence of Inspector Tahir Ahmed (PW-2) and mashir Syed Salman (PW-1) is trust worthy and confidence inspiring. It is well settled principle that a person who is on driving seat shall be held responsible for transportation of the narcotics as held in the case of Kashif Amir vs. The State ( PLD 2010 Supreme Court 1052). Appellant was driving the vehicle. He was incharge of the same and vehicle was under his control and possession. Hence, the charas recovered from the secret cavities would be under his control and possession. Report of Chemical Examiner was also in positive. As regards to the contention of the defense counsel that prosecution has failed to prove safe custody and safe transmission of the charas to the chemical Examiner. It may be mentioned that in cross examination of P.Ws, no question has been put by defense counsel that there was tampering with the case property at Police station or during transmission to expert. It is the matter of record that the charas was recovered from the truck of accused on 5.3.2013 and on the next day, promptly it was sent to Chemical Examiner. Most material piece of evidence is positive report of the Chemical Examiner. Chemical Examiner in his report at Exh.8-B has mentioned that one sealed plastic katta bearing 1 seal, perfect as per copy was received by him. Chemical Examiner did not find any tampering with the sealed plastic katta which was sent by the I.O to the Chemical Examiner. Therefore, we hold that charas was safely transmitted to chemical expert. The contention of learned counsel for the appellant that the evidence of PWs 1 and 2 is not reliable as the same suffers from material contradictions and inconsistencies, regarding size of the secret cavity / tank from which charas was recovered and contradictions with regard to the registration numbers of official vehicles used by ANF officials for arrest and recovery of the appellant. The alleged contradictions in the testimony of PWs 1 and 2 that are being urged by the counsel for appellant are minor in nature. Such minor contradictions do not affect the core of prosecution case. The discrepancies pointed out in the evidence of both prosecution witnesses regarding the size of the tank and registration number of the official vehicles, it is observed that ANF officials had no measurement tap with them. Variation in size was not material. Non-mention regarding numbers of the official vehicle used by ANF officials would also not be fatal to the case of prosecution.  Even otherwise, the power of observation of persons differs from person to person witnessing the recovery proceedings. It is fairly well settled that minor discrepancies in the evidence of the raiding party do not shake their trust worthiness as held in the case of State /ANF vs. Muhammad Arshad  (2017 SCMR 283). Learned counsel for the appellant has raised objection over the non-association of the public witnesses to the recovery proceedings. In this case, on spy information appellant was arrested from Railway Fly over Naz Byepass road Sukkur on 05.03.2013 at 0515 hours, when he was sitting on driving seat of truck. On the enquiry, by ANF officials he pointed out secret cavity at oil tank and produced 250 kilograms of charas. Appellant was arrested red-handed, objection over non-association of public witnesses to confirm the possession of the charas from the vehicle does not hold water either. ANF officials, being the functionaries of the State, are no less credible witnesses to drive home the charge in a milieu of pervasive apathy towards civic responsibilities, people refer to recuse behind safety instead of coming forward in aid of justice. In the present case, it was 0515 hours, despite lengthy cross examination, availability of private witnesses has not come on record because it was dawn time.  ANF officials are as good witnesses as any other and their evidence was subject to same standard of proof and principles of the scrutiny as applicable to any other category of witnesses; in absence of any animus, infirmity or flaw in their depositions, their testimony can be relied without demur. In the recent Judgment passed by Hon’ble supreme Court in Criminal Petition No.83-P/2013 & Jail Petition No.474/2017 dated 27.09.2019,  it is held as under:-


2.         Validity of confessional statements as well as prosecution’s failure to establish safe custody and transmission are the main planks stressed on behalf of convicts besides non-availability of public witnesses to attest the recovery.


3.         Confessional statements before Tilla Muhammad, Judicial Magistrate (PW-1),though retracted subsequently present formidable piece of evidence, inexorably pointed upon the convicts’ culpability. Mst. Robina made disclosure within a small span of time soon after her arrest, during her first appearance before the Magistrate, Izzat Ullah the suit; both of them after having been administered warnings and cautions, though disapprovingly on a printed format, nonetheless, made statements otherwise found by us as voluntarily, natural and truthful with relevant details compatible with the salient features of the case; brief interregnum rules out hypothesis of manipulation. Other pieces of evidence have been found by us as independently sufficient to drive home the charge; forensic report confirms the lethal nature of the substance, recovered in a quantity that cannot be possibly foisted in routine; seizure of the vehicle clinches the case. Argument of safe custody does not hold much water as Abdul Faraz 28/C (PW-10) took the sample to the Forensic Science Laboratory along with Rahdari Ex.PW8/c was not cross-examined despite opportunity. Forensic Report (Ex.PZ) corroborates the position taken by the said PW. Absence of public witnesses is beside the mark; public recusal is an unfortunate norm. Prosecution witnesses are in a comfortable unison; being functionaries of the Republic, they are second to none in status and their evidence can be relied upon unreservedly, if found trust worthy, as in the case in hand. Both the Courts below have undertaken an exhaustive analysis of the prosecution case and concurred in their conclusions regarding petitioners’ guilt and we have not been able to take a different view than concurrently taken by them. Petitions fail. Dismissed.


13.                    While relying upon the above cited authorities of Hon’ble Supreme Court and looking to the facts and circumstances of the case, we have no hesitation to hold that prosecution has established its case against the appellant. Impugned judgment requires no interference and appeal is without merit and the same is dismissed with slight modification in case of default in payment of fine, appellant will suffer S.I for six months instead of S.I for one year.



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As regards to the appeals against acquittal are concerned, acquittal of the respondents Muhammad Shahrukh and Muhammad Waqar by the trial Court was neither perverse nor arbitrary. Therefore, acquittal order recorded in favour of respondents cannot be interfered by us. Even otherwise the scope of acquittal appeal is quite narrow and limited as held in the case of  The State and others v. Abdul Khaliq and others (PLD 2011 Supreme Court 554).  


, relevant position is re-produced as under :


  6.                  We have noted that there is no material omission or contradiction in the depositions of the prosecution witnesses. The doctor i.e. PW-5 first administered the requisite medicine and thereafter the respondent excreted capsules under the watch of ANF Staff, who were deputed for such purpose. The excreted capsules were then produced before the doctor. In the presence of deposition of the doctor who after noticing foreign bodies in the X-Ray administered medicine to facilitate excretion as well as the depositions of ANF staff in whose presence respondent excreted capsules, it matters not whether the respondent excreted the capsules on the bed or in the toilet or whether the capsules were washed or not as such details are of no relevance. It has come in the evidence that the recovered capsules after excretion were immediately presented to the concerned doctor and then were sealed and sent to the Chemical Examiner. Upon chemical examination it was confirmed that the capsules contained 550 grams of heroin powder. No contradictions on this material aspect of the case has been extracted from the prosecution witnesses. We may mention here that even where no proper investigation is conducted, but where the material that comes before the Court is sufficient to connect the accused with the commission of crime, the accused can still be convicted, notwithstanding minor omissions that have no bearing on the outcome of the case. Thus, there exists ample evidence on record to find the respondent guilty and the Trial Court rightly convicted him.”

Learned counsel for the appellant argued that prosecution has failed to establish safe custody and safe transmission of the charas to the Chemical Examiner. It is a matter of record that charas was recovered on the pointation of appellant from his Truck on 5..3.2013 at 0515 hours, mashirnama of arrest and recovery was prepared and case property as well as samples were separately sealed at spot. On the next day samples were sent to the Chemical Examiner and Chemical Examiner in his report at Exh. 8-B has mentioend that he received one sealed plastic Katta bearing one seal. Seals were perfect as per copy sent. This clearly shows that after recovery of the charas from secret cavities of the truck, samples were sealed and sealed parcels were sent to the Chemical Examiner and he received sealed Katta. There is nothing on record that there was tampering, manipulation or replacement in the sealed material.