C. P. No. D – 1157 of 2019

C. P. No. D – 1689 of 2017

C. P. No. D – 1287 of 2020  

Date of hearing

Order with signature of Judge



Mr. Justice Aftab Ahmed Gorar &

Mr. Justice Fahim Ahmed Siddiqui


Date of hearing:  20.01.2021


M/s Sajjad Hussain Kolachi, Irshad Hussain Dharejo, Nisar Ahmed Bhanbhro and Sundar Khan Chachar, Advocates for petitioners.

Mr. Riaz Ahmed Soomro, Advocate for Pakistan Medical Commission along with Muhammad Anwar Alam, Officer Incharge, PMC.

M/s Shafi Muhammad Chandio, Addl. A. G. and Mehboob Ali Wassan, AAG a/w Professor Asadullah Mahar, Principal, Khairpur Medical College, Khairpur.

Mr. Ali Raza Pathan, Assistant Attorney General.


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FAHIM AHMED SIDDIQUI, J. The petitioners are House Job students of final year, who have completed their education from first to final profession of MBBS in Khairpur Medical College, Khairpur. Khairpur Medical College is a project of Health Department, Government of Sindh and the same was inaugurated by the then Chief Minister Sindh on 13.12.2012. It was initially established as Constituent Medical College of Liaquat University of Medical Science (LUMS) but now it is affiliated with Peoples University of Medical & Health Science for Women, Shaheed Benazirabad. The college was inspected and recognized by erstwhile Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (hereinafter referred to as ‘PMDC’), which has now been replaced with Pakistan Medical Commission (hereinafter referred to as ‘PMC’) after promulgation of Pakistan Medical Commission Act, 2020. After initial inspection, the aforementioned medical college was recognized by the erstwhile PMDC and hundreds of students are studying in the said college who have been admitted through proper entry test conducted for the admission in Government Medical Colleges in Sindh. All these students have been selected on merit and petitioners have completed their education up to the final profession i.e. 5th year MBBS. It is pertinent to mention that inspection of Khairpur Medical College was conducted on 02.03.2015 and 24.03.2015 and such report of the Inspection Team was discussed in the Executive Committee of PMDC in its 139th Council meeting, as such, the erstwhile PMDC sent letter to Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination, Islamabad to declare / notify Khairpur Medical College in first schedule for registration. It is also note-worthy that Khairpur Medical College is not only affiliated with a Medical University but being a Government funded college, it is financially sound with approved SNE and PC-I regarding its establishment. Besides teaching faculty and infra-structure, college is linked / attached with 500 bedded Taluka Head Quarter Hospital as well as Lady Willington Hospital, Khairpur and Kauser Mother and Child Hospital, Khairpur. Meaning thereby that the medical students studying in Khairpur Medical College are having opportunity of getting first-hand practical clinical knowledge by their scheduled visits in the above-mentioned hospitals under instructions and guidance of highly qualified consultants and professors. It is notable that the petitioners during five years of their studies have paid huge amount towards tuition and examination fees and other ancillary charges and have incurred considerable amount on books and other study materials; besides they have already paid registration fees to PMDC (now PMC) through their college. Now it has come to the knowledge of the petitioners that after five years of their studies, respondents, especially respondent No.5 i.e. PMC is not recognizing / registering Khairpur Medical College and the earlier recognition has been withdrawn. As such, they are highly aggrieved from such action and their future becomes bleak, hence this petition.


2.         After notice, the respondents have filed their comments. It is worth noting that official respondents No.1 to 3 are supporting the case of the petitioners but erstwhile PMDC has created hurdles on account that the College has admitted the students in violation of some regulations. However, it is worthwhile to reproduce the decision of Executive Committee of PMDC in its meeting held on 12.04.2018, which is as under:

              "The Executive Committee considered the report for comprehensive inspection of Khairpur Medical College, Khairpur Mirs. The Executive Committee was informed that the comprehensive inspection of Khairpur Medical College, Khairpur Mirs was conducted on 5th December, 2017 whereby the college had scored 574.875 marks and letter for comments/observations was sent to the college vide PM&DC letter dated 13th March, 2018. 

               Reply of comments letter received from the college vide their letter dated 27th March, 2018 was perused. 

                The Executive Committee was apprised that college had done admission in violation of PM&DC Regulations. College will be warned not admit any new students illegally, in violation of PM&DC rules. 


                The Executive Committee after perusing the inspection report, recommendations made the inspection team and having deliberate discussion unanimously decided that the college will be inspected exactly after six months to see if deficiencies pointed out by the convener have been rectified. In case of non-compliance by the college, it will be recommended for closure".


3.         Now, PMDC has been replaced by PMC / respondent No.5 and apparently the new body, the PMC is keen to resolve the matter which is evident from the comments furnished by PMC, which are as under:

3. That it is apparent that the college post the 2015 approval of recognition by PM&DC admitted students, of which some are the petitioners. The complete file of the college since 2012-2015 subsequent to its initial setting up and affiliation with the university and recognition processes undertaken by PM&DC has been reviewed by the Commission. Prima facie there appear to be inconsistencies in the record which require an in-depth consideration by the Authority and the Council of the Commission to ensure the inconsistencies are properly addressed as well as the consequential rights of the petitioners and other students are not adversely affected. 

4. That in view of the afore-stated position it is humbly submitted that the council would seek this Honourable Court's indulgence to grant it a short time to review the matter and call and hear the college as well consequent thereto provide its determination for this Honourable Court's consideration including the students interests as put forth by the petitioner. The Commission undertakes to complete its review of the matter by or before 30th December 2020 under all circumstances.” 


4.         Today, when the matter was taken up, it has been pointed out by some of the petitioners present in Court that the name of their college is very much available at the website of PMDC as recognized Public Medical College / Institution. This fact is verified through the I.T department of this Court from website of PMC having web address, as  https://www.pmc.gov.pk/Colleges/PublicMedicalColleges. It is also mentioned in the website of PMC that application of the students of Khairpur Medical College Sindh is pending for registration with them.


5.         In the existing position of affairs, which is quite evident that PMC has acknowledged and recognized the existence of Khairpur Medical College and their own record indicates that the application for students’ registration is not only pending with them but the status of those applications is also mentioned on their website. Muhammad Anwar Alam, representative of PMC, present in Court, has sought time but it is noteworthy that in their comments filed on 17.12.2020, they have sought time till 30.12.2020 to place the matter before the Council for a detailed review and consideration. The prayer clause of their comments is reproduced as under:

            “In view of the above, it is humbly prayed that the Pakistan Medical Commission may be granted time till 30th December 2020 to place the matter before the Council for a detailed review and consideration and submit a detailed determination of all issues including the interests of the Petitioner students.” 


6.         It is noteworthy that after cutoff date given by PMC in their comments / reply, no action has been taken so far. We consider that it is a high time to save the future of the petitioners by giving some strict directions. As such, we hereby direct the PMDC, as under:

i.              Issue a provisional recognition/registration of Khairpur Medical College immediately stating therein that deficiencies are required to be done with, within six months, by the administration of Khairpur Medical College while Secretary Health, Government of Sindh as well as Chief Secretary, Province of Sindh are directed to provide necessary resources to do away the deficiencies pointed out by the PMC within given period of time.


ii.            PMC is directed to issue provisional registration/license to the petitioners immediately so that they may complete their house-job and as soon as they will furnish requisite formalities along with completion certificate of their house-jobs, PMC is required to issue permanent registration / license to all the qualified doctors of Khairpur Medical College irrespective of the fact that they have filed petition before this Court or not.


iii.           Secretary Health, Secretary Finance and Chief Secretary Sindh are directed to make arrangements immediately for payment of stipends to the petitioners and other house-students, as per law / rules.


The respondents are directed to furnish compliance report within 15 days.


            All the petitions stand disposed of in the above terms. Office is directed to place a signed copy of this order in all the captioned connected petitions.




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