Constt:Petition.No.S-137 of 2020


DATE                           ORDER WITH SIGNATURE OF JUDGE


01.  For orders on M.A.No.285/2020(U/A).

02.  For orders on office objection “A”.

03.  For orders on M.A.No.286/2020 (E/A).

04.  For hearing of main case.



Mr.Arif Ali Kalhoro, Advocate for the petitioner.


                        Petitioner Khawand Bux by way of instant constitutional petition has prayed for the following relief;

(a)  That, this Honourable Court be pleased to restrain the restrain the respondents from causing illegal harassment to the petitioner, his brothers and family members.

(b)  That, this Honourable Court may graciously be pleased to direct official respondents No.1 to 3 to provide legal protection to the petitioner and his family from wrongful acts of private respondents.

(c)   Award costs.

(d)  Grant any other equitable relief.

                        It is case of the petitioner that his father was having 120 “Jirebs” of the land, which was inherited by him, the private respondents are having an evil eye over such land, therefore, they are harassing him and his family members through official respondents and in order to prevent such harassment, the petitioner by way of instant petition has prayed for the relief as is detailed above.

           Heard learned counsel for the petitioner and perused the record.

                        The dispute between the parties is appearing to be over the landed property and the same could not be resolved by this Court in exercise of its constitutional jurisdiction, under the garb that the petitioner and his family members are being harassed by the private respondents. Consequently, the instant petition being misconceived is dismissed accordingly together with listed applications.

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