Judgment Sheet


Cr. Jail Appeal No. D – 60 of 2019

Conf. Case No. D – 02 of 2019



Before :

Mr. Justice Naimatullah Phulpoto

Mr. Justice Khadim Hussain Tunio



Date of hearing        :           27.11.2019.



Mr. Athar Abbas Solangi, Advocate for appellant Abdul Ghaffar alias Ghaffar.

Mr. Muhammad Hamzo Buriro, Advocate for appellants Imtiaz Ali, Sagheer Ahmed and Abid Hussain.

Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Jatoi, Additional Prosecutor General.






NAIMATULLAH PHULPOTO, J. – Abdul Ghaffar alias Ghaffar, Imtiaz Ali, Sagheer Ahmed and Abid Hussain, appellants were tried by learned Judge, Anti-Terrorism Court, Khairpur in Special Case No.52/2014 for offences under Sections 395, 396, 353, 427, 148, 149, PPC read with Section 7, ATA, 1997. After regular trial, vide judgment dated 23.04.2019, appellants were convicted under Section 148, PPC and sentenced to three years R.I and to pay the fine of Rs.10,000/- (ten thousand) each. In case of the default in the payment of the fine, they have been ordered to suffer R.I for two months each. Appellants have also been convicted under Section 395 read with Section 149, PPC and sentenced to imprisonment for life; their property has also been forfeited to the State. Appellants have also been convicted for committing murders of deceased persons namely Seengar Ali Wassan, Ghulam Qambar Chandio and PC Shahzado Lanjwani for offence under Section 396 read with Section 149, PPC and sentenced to death on three counts. They have been ordered to pay compensation as required under Section 544-A, Cr.P.C to the legal heirs of the deceased of Rs.5,00,000/- (five lac) each in lieu of the above mentioned deceased, total Rs.20,00,000/- (twenty lac). In case of the default in payment thereof, appellants have been ordered to suffer R.I for six months each. Appellants have also been convicted under Section 353 read with Section 149, PPC and sentenced to two years R.I. They have been convicted for offence under Section 427 read with Section 149, PPC and sentenced to two years R.I and to pay the fine of Rs.7,000/- (seven thousand). In case of the default in the payment of the fine, they have been ordered to suffer imprisonment for three months. Appellants have also been convicted under Section 7, ATA, 1997 and sentenced to death on three counts. They have further been directed to pay the fine of Rs.1,00,000/- (one lac) each. In case of the default thereof, they have been ordered to suffer R.I for six months each. However, death sentence was subject to the confirmation by this Court. All the sentences have been ordered to run concurrently. Appellants have been extended benefit of Section 382-B, Cr.P.C. Trial Court has made Reference to this Court for confirmation of death sentence as required under Section 374, Cr.P.C. Appellants preferred Appeal through Superintendent, Central Prison, Sukkur. It was admitted for regular hearing and was tagged with Confirmation Reference made by the trial Court.

2.         Brief facts of the prosecution case, as reflected in the judgment of the trial Court, are as under:

            The brief facts of prosecution case are that on 02.01.2014 at 1730 hours, complainant Illahi Bux Lanjwani lodged the instant FIR at PS-Kotdiji, alleging therein that he is private security guard at Khairpur Sugar Mills, Naru Dhoro and in the Sugar Mill Syed Hazrat Shah is posted as head cashier and Seengar Ali was posted as assistant cashier. His brother PC Shahzado Khan was deputed at the picket of Sugar Mill for protection.

            It is also mentioned in FIR that on 30-12-2013, head cashier Syed Hazrat Shah had to draw the amount of Sugar mill from MCB-Khairpur, on which Assistant Cashier-Seengar Ali and PC-Shahzado Khan for protection after having been boarded in one blue coloured Cuore car bearing No.AUG-357 alongwith Driver-Ghulam Qambar and another white coloured Indus Corolla car bearing No.AC-3425, complainant, head cashier Syed Hazrat Shah and security guard officer Nazir Ahmed and his relatives Iqbal Hussain and Ghulam @ Nabi Bux, who are also working in such sugar mill, after boarding in the car, left Khairpur Sugar Mill at about 0800 hours and reached at Khairpur, where head cashier Syed Hazrat Shah encashed passed the cheque bearing No.4222127 dated 30-12-2013 of an amount of Rs:25 Lac. The head cashier Syed Hazrat Shah had some work in Khairpur, therefore, such amount of Rs:25 Lac was handed over to Assistant Cashier-Seengar Ali and directed them to take the amount and proceed towards Sugar Mill and he will come later on, to which Assistant Cashier-Seengar Ali alongwith Driver-Ghulam Qambar and brother of complainant namely PC-Shahzado after boarding on same Cuore car bearing No.AUF-357 alongwith cash proceeded towards sugar mill, within few minutes, they all who came in another same car, after boarding on another same car also proceeded behind them towards Khairpur Sugar Mill Naru Dhoro and they also reached near the car of Seengar Ali after crossing the PRTC. Both the cars were proceeding together. In the meantime, a black coloured Toyota Corolla car came behind their cars and cross them, in which five persons were sitting, out of them, four were with open faces and one was with muffled face. They while crossing, watched them. The complainant party found them suspicious, who crossed their cars and then the car, after crossing their cars reached at Kanasra Chowk situated in village Sohu Kanasra, the accused, reduced the speed of their car due to speed breaker and parked the car on the side. The car, in which the cash amount was lying and his brother Shahzado was seated in the front seat also reached at speed breaker of Kanasra Chowk at about 1030 hours in the morning time. Meanwhile, four opened faces accused alighted from their car duly armed with KKs came infront of their car and signaled the car driver Ghulam Qambar to stop. Due to fear, the driver ignored the caution and did not stop the car. PC-Shahzado Khan, who was present in the car to whom while seeing in police uniform, the above four accused made direct firing upon the car with intention to rob the cash amount on the show of force of weapons. Due to such firing, his brother PC-Shahzado Khan by performing his lawful duty, retailed and made firing upon accused in self protection, on which the accused started indiscriminate firing. Such firing was continued for about 5/6 minutes then they heard cries of Assistant Cashier-Seengar Ali, Driver-Ghulam Qambar and PC-Shahzado from their car that they received the firearm injuries, then the firing was stopped and above said four accused went near their car and snatched government SMG rifle alongwith its magazines and bullets from PC-Shahzado as well as robbed cash amount of Rs:25 Lac and mobile phone from cashier. Thereafter, accused made firing in order to create terror and on the fire shots HC-Shafi Muhammad, PC-Lutufullah and DPC-Gulsher of PP-Sohu Kanasra also arrived in government mobile. On seeing the police, the accused after boarding on their own car by making firing for spreading terror, fled away towards western side road leading towards Paneero Bridge with their respective weapons. The number of the car could not be seen by them, while the accused and their car were clearly seen and would be identified if seen again. In the meantime, many other villagers came running then they alighted from their car and saw that his brother PC-Shahzado Khan sustained one firearm injury at his left side nipple, left shoulder and right feet heal, which were through and through and he by performing his official duty during encounter with criminals embraced Shahadat. They also saw the Assistant Cashier Seengar Ali, who had sustained firearm injuries on his right shoulder, right side of neck, which were also through and through and was lying dead then they saw private car diver Ghulam Qambar, who also received firearm injuries at head, which was through from back side, left arm through and through and the blood was oozing and was lying dead. The windscreen of their car, mirrors of driver side window and back side window mirror were smashed due to firing, there were many holes of fires on different sides of the car. From his brother PC-Shahzado, one Government SMG, four magazines, 120 bullets, Q-Mobile phone, from Assistant Cashier-Seengar Ali Wasan, one mobile phone of Nokia company and from driver-Ghulam Qambar, one Q-Mobile phone and the cash amount of Rs:25 Lac, which were drawn by head cashier Hazrat Shah of sugar mill from MCB-Khairpur, were robbed away by accused. In the meantime, police of PS-Kotdiji also arrived in government vehicle then they shifted the dead bodies at Taluka hospital Kotdiji for their postmortem and after getting conducted their postmortems, the dead bodies were brought by them to their village and after their burial, they remained present in condolence. After passing third day of death on the directives of Sugar Mill Administration, he went to PS and made complaint that five unidentified accused with intention to commit dacoity of cash, made firing and in such firing, his brother PC-Shahzado Khan aged about 40/41 years, while performing his official duty and protecting themselves embraced Shahadat by firing of the accused, whose above stated government arms and ammunition and his mobile phone were snatched by accused and the accused also committed the murders of Assistant Cashier of sugar mill Khairpur at Naru Dhoro namely Seengar Ali aged about 35/36 years and Driver-Ghulam Qambar aged about 29/30 years and caused damage to their car and robbed away the cash amount of Rs:25 Lac of Sugar mill as well as mobile phones of deceased. The accused committed the murders of above said deceased, made indiscriminate firing to spread terror. All the five accused would be identified, if seen again.

3.         After usual investigation, challan was submitted against the accused under Section 512, Cr.P.C. However, on the basis of further statement of the complainant, supplementary challan was submitted before learned Judge, Anti-Terrorism Court, Khairpur against the accused for offences under Sections 395, 396, 353, 427, 148, 149, PPC read with Section 7, ATA, 1997.

4.         Trial Court framed the charge against the accused at Ex.05. Accused did not plead guilty and claimed to be tried.

5.         At the trial prosecution examined nine (09) prosecution witnesses. Thereafter, prosecution side was closed.

6.         Statements of the accused were recorded under Section 342, Cr.P.C, in which accused claimed false implication in this case and denied the prosecution allegations. Accused did not lead evidence in their defence and declined to give statement on oath in disproof of prosecution allegations.

7.         Trial Court after hearing the learned counsel for the parties and assessment of the evidence, vide judgment dated 23.04.2019, convicted and sentenced the appellants to death, as stated above. Trial Court made Reference to this Court for confirmation of death sentence.

8.         M/s Athar Abbas Solangi and Muhammad Hamzo Buriro, advocates appeared on behalf of the appellants. At the very outset, Mr. Athar Abbas Solangi, advocate for appellant Abdul Ghaffar alias Ghaffar argued that all the incriminating pieces of the evidence were not put to the accused at the time of recording the statements of accused under Section 342, Cr.P.C. He has referred to the evidence of the complainant recorded before the trial Court, in which complainant has stated that after the incident he came to know that present appellants are confined at Police Station Pithoro. He went to Police Station Pithoro along with the witnesses on 27.01.2014 and found the appellants detained at the Police Station and he identified them to be the culprits of the incident. Trial Court after recording the evidence, convicted and sentenced the appellants to death mainly relying upon that piece of evidence, but unfortunately said incriminating piece of evidence was not put to the accused in their statements recorded under Section 342, Cr.P.C for their explanation. For the sake of the convenience, statement of one of the accused recorded under Section 342, Cr.P.C is reproduced as under:

EX. NO. 20.



The State.


Ghaffar and others……………………………………………………Accused.


Offence under sections:395,396,353,427,148,149-PPC

R/W Section 7 ATA, 1997.

Crime No.03/2014. P.S-Kotdigi, Khairpur Mir’s          .



My name is:                 Ghaffar @ Abdul Ghaffar

Father’s name is:         Kamal Khan

Religion:                      Islam

Caste:                          Rind

Aged about:                 32 years

Occupation:                 Zamindar/Landlord

Residence:                   Village 78, Mori, Mirpurkhas


Examination of accused


Q.No.01.          You have heard the prosecution story. It has come in evidence on 30-12-2013 at about 1030 hours you alongwith co-accused Imtiaz Ali Mangi, Sagheer Ahmed Soomro, Abid Hussain Shaikh and one unidentified duly armed with deadly weapons, being members of unlawful assembly and in prosecution of your common object; committed an act rioting at Kanasro Paneero Bridge near Kansra Chowk situated at link road from Khairpur towards Narudhoro, Deh Kanasra and also committed dacoity from complainant party, on their resistance, committed the murders of Seengar Ali Wasan, Ghulam Qambar Chandio and PC-Shahazado Khan Lanjwani by making straight firing upon their car bearing registration NO.AUF-357 as postmortem reports produced by the Dr. Akhtar Ahmed Sohu in evidence and taken away the cash amount of Rs:25 Lac, mobile phones and official arms and ammunition viz: 01 SMG rifle, 04 magazines & 120 live bullets and during such dacoity assault and used criminal force upon PC-Shahzado Lanjwani, being a public servant, deterred him from discharge of his lawful duty. What have you to say?

Answer:-          No Sir, It is false.


Q.No.02.          It has also come in evidence that on 29-05-2014 at 0900 hours, you were arrested by police headed by SIO/Inspector Muhammad Ameen Pathan, PS-A Section, Khairpur Mir's, from Central Prison Mirpurkhas under the imaginary memo of arrest in presence of mashirs. What have you to say?

Answer:-          It is not denied.


Q.No.03.          It has come in the evidence that the blood stained earth and last worn clothes of deceased Seengar Ali Wasan, Ghulam Qambar Chandio and PC-Shahazado Khan Lanjwani secured from the place of Vardat and the same were sent to Chemical Examiner Sukkur at Rohri, for Expert Opinion and the reports have tendered in evidence in positive. What have you to say?

Answer:-          The reports are managed by prosecution.


Q.No.04.          It has also been alleged by the prosecution that on the above said date, time and place you alongwith abovenamed co-accused and unidentified accused, while committing the said offences had created panic, terror and sense of insecurity in the mind of persons of the locality. What have you to say?

Answer:-          No Sir. No panic, terror and sense of insecurity has been created.


Q.No.05.          Why the PWs have deposed against you?

Answer:-          They all are interested, closely related with each other.


Q.No.06.          Do you want to examine yourself on oath?

Answer:-          No Sir.


Q.No.07.          Do you want to lead any defence witness in your defence?

Answer:-          No Sir.


Q.No.08.          Have you any thing else to say?

Answer:-          I am innocent. I have been falsely implicated in this false case. At the time of my implication in this case the M.P.A Shafqat Ali Shah was in power, who has got implicated me in this case over the dispute of landed property. I pray for justice.




(Inam Ali Malik)

Special Judge,

Anti-Terrorism Court, Khairpur Mir’s.

Dated: 10/04/2019





            Certified that the statement of accused has been taken in my presence and hearings and that the record contains a full and true account of the statement made by the accused.



            We have also carefully perused the statements of accused recorded under Section 342, Cr.P.C. Contention of learned counsel for the appellant is correct that no such incriminating piece of evidence has been put to the accused for their explanation. Relevant portion of incriminating piece of evidence of complainant is reproduced as under:

…………… On 27th January, 2014 we came to know that some culprits have been arrested by the police and we went to PS Pithoro. I alongwith witnesses namely Hazrat Shah, Muhammad Iqbal, Ghulam Nabi, Nazeer Sheedi went to PS Pithoro where 4 accused were present there and I identified them as Abdul Ghaffar, Sagheer Ahmed, Abid and Imtiaz. Inspector Muhammad Ameen Pathan was also present there where I/O Muhammad Ameen Pathan recorded my further statement. ……………

9.         Additional P.G concedes to this legal position that trial Court was legally bound to put all the incriminating pieces of the evidence to the accused for his explanation, but in this case omission is apparent on the record and it is not curable under the law. In support of the contentions, reliance is placed upon an unreported judgment in Criminal Appeal No.292 of 2009 dated 28.10.2010 in the case of Muhammad Hassan v. The State, in which the Hon’ble Supreme Court has laid down the following principle:

3.       In view of the order we propose to pass there is no occasion for going into the factual aspects of this case and it may suffice to observe that the case of the prosecution against the appellant was based upon prompt lodging of the F.I.R., statements of three eyewitnesses, medical evidence, motive, recovery of weapon of offence and a report of the Forensic Science Laboratory regarding matching of some of the crime-empties with the firearm allegedly recovered from the appellant’s possession during the investigation but we have found that except for the alleged recovery of Kalashnikov from the appellant’s possession during the investigation no other piece of evidence being relied upon by the prosecution against the appellant was put to the appellant at the time of recording of his statement under section 342, Cr.PC.

4.         It is by now a settled principle of criminal law that each and every material piece of evidence being relied upon by the prosecution against an accused person must be put to him at the time of recording of his statement under section 342, Cr.PC so as to provide him an opportunity to explain his position in that regard and denial of such opportunity to the accused person defeats the ends of justice. It is also equally settled that a failure to comply with this mandatory requirement vitiates a trial. The case in hand is a case of murder entailing a sentence of death and we have truly been shocked by the cursory and casual manner in which the learned trial Court had handled the matter of recording of the appellants statement under section 342, Ct.PC which statement is completely shorn of the necessary details which were required to put to the appellant. We have been equally dismayed by the fact that even the learned Judges of the Division Bench of the High Court of Sindh deciding the appellants appeal had failed to take notice of such a glaring illegality committed by the trial Court. It goes without saying that the omission on the part of the learned trial Court mentioned above was not merely an irregularity curable under section 537, Cr.PC but the same was a downright illegality which had vitiated the appellants conviction and sentence recorded and upheld by the learned Courts below.

            While relying upon the above cited authority and looking to the evidence available on the record and coming to the conclusion that incriminating piece of evidence on which trial Court has based conviction was not put to the accused in the statements recorded under Section 342, Cr.P.C. Relevant portion of impugned judgment is also reproduced as under:

…………… The incident took place in the presence of the complainant and his solitary evidence cannot be discarded. No malafide intention has been brought on record in the evidence of complainant regarding involvement of all the present accused Abdul Ghaffar, Abid Hussain Shaikh, Imtiaz Ali Magsi @ Bugti and Sagheer Ahmed Soomro @ Jatoi, who are belonging to different castes i.e. Rind, Magsi, Soomro and Shaikh as well as different districts viz: Mirpurkhas, Larkana and Sukkur and the complainant party belonging to Lanjwani community resident of District Khairpur Mir’s and the complainant has involved the present accused as he had already seen to all the present accused at the time of commission of present incident, thereafter, when he came to know that some culprits were arrested at PS-Pithoro, who admitted their guilt for the commission of present offence then he alongwith PWs reached at PS-Pithoro, where he also identified all the present accused.

10.       Therefore, conviction and sentence recorded by the trial Court is not legally maintainable and illegality committed by the trial Court is not curable. It goes without saying that the omission on the part of the learned trial Court mentioned above was not merely an irregularity curable under section 537, Cr.PC but the same was a downright illegality which had vitiated the appellants’ conviction and sentence recorded by trial Court.

11.       Therefore, Criminal Jail Appeal No. D-60/2019 is partly allowed. Conviction and sentence recorded by the trial Court are set aside. Case is remanded back to the trial Court for recording the statement of accused afresh under Section 342, Cr.P.C by putting all the incriminating pieces of evidence to the accused as highlighted above. Thereafter, trial Court shall provide fair opportunity to the advocates for the appellants as well as Prosecution and fresh judgment shall be passed in accordance with law. So far Confirmation Reference is concerned, it is answered in NEGATIVE.

12.       In the view of above, Criminal Jail Appeal as well as Confirmation Reference are accordingly disposed of.






Abdul Basit