Constt. Petition No. D-84 of 2016



               Order with signature of Judge






                                                         Mr. Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi &

                                                         Mr. Justice Muhammad Faisal Kamal Alam


1.            For hearing of CMA No. 1380/2016.

2.            For Katcha Peshi.

3.            For Hearing of CMA No. 566/2016.

4.            For Hearing of CMA No. 209/2016.



Date of hearing:  17-05-2016





M/s T. David Lawrence & Tahir Hussain Mangi, advocate for petitioner.

Mr. Saqib Jamal, Manager Legal, NADRA.

Mr. Yousuf Ali, Standing Counsel.



                                                     O R D E R


MUHAMMAD FAISAL KAMAL ALAM, J.   Through instant petition, the petitioner had initially challenged office order dated 02.01.2016 [annexure-A/7 at page No.55 of present case file], whereby the petitioner was suspended on account of departmental enquiry and also impugned the show-cause notice dated 04.1.2016 [annexure-A/9 at page No. 69 of present case file] and sought the following reliefs:-

a)   To declare that the impugned suspension Office Order dated 2nd January, 2016 and impugned Show Cause Notice dated 04.01.2016 Annexure ‘A-9’ issued to the petitioner by respondents NADRA are illegal, unlawful, based on mala fide intention and ulterior motives, are coram non judice and of no legal affect, for the legal reasons that the questioned disputed of CNICs of the petitioner, her husband and her minor child stood resolved in terms of Annexure ‘A-2’, ‘A-3’, ‘A-4’, ‘A-5’, ‘A-6’, and ‘A-7’, and in particular to the statement made by the respondents NADRA in their comments specifically in para ‘H’ of the comments that “A fact finding inquiry was conduced against board that it is not necessary to conduct regular inquiry against the respondent No.6 as respondents No.6 and 7 got cleared their cards by paying the prescribed processing fee as per SOP/Policy of Dup formulated under section 14 of NADRA Ordinance, 2000”.

b)   To direct the respondents NADRA to withdraw the impugned suspension order dated 02nd January, 2016 ‘Annexure – A-10’ and impugned Show Cause Notice dated 04th January, 2016 ‘Annexure A-9’ and, restore the status/position of the petitioner, as she was enjoying before issuance of the said impugned suspension order and impugned Show Cause Notice viz; Deputy Director HR Branch HRQ Sukkur.

c)   To direct the respondents NADRA to act strictly in accordance with the law in the light of their statement before this Hon’ble Court made in the comments in CP No. 2816/2012 ‘Annexure – A-7’, and the earlier decision made after the report of Fact Finding Board in letters / orders dated 20.01.2012 ‘Annexure A-1’, office order dated 22.02.2012 ‘Annexure A-4’, Regularization of Petitioner as regular employee as per letter/order dated 20.04.2012 ‘Annexure A-5’ and Office Order dated 02.10.2015, as the said documents pertain to the respondents NADRA and NADRA cannot back out of their said statement int hecomments Annexure – ‘     ‘ and other made decisions in favour of petitioner after close of the Inquiry made by the Fact Finding Members.

d)   To grant another relief which this Hon’ble Court deems fit and proper in the light of the above subject-matter of this petition, and to foster the ends of justice.

e)   To award the cost of petitioner against the respondents NADRA.

                        The facts leading to the filing of present petition are that the petitioner was in the employment of  respondent No.2, National Database and Registration Authority [NADRA] and when the petition  was filed she was working in the Regional Headquarter of respondent No.2 at Sukkur as Deputy Director (HR) (RHO Sukkur), having employment reference No.ERP367. As per the contents of petition, the petitioner joined the service of respondent No.2 way back on 25.4.2002 in NRC, Larkana. Owing to some complaint against the petitioner that she was holding three CNICs [computerized national identity cards] at a time, an enquiry was ordered and fact finding board was constituted, which gave its finding and recommendations that ------

                                The petitioner further pleaded that after getting cleared from the above enquiry she continued her employment with respondent No.2 and worked in an efficient and diligent manner for which she also received appreciation certificate and different project allowances. According to petitioner in  previous constitution petition No.D-2816/2012 filed by one Ghulam Hyder Khan as pro bono publico, the present petitioner and her minor son were also made respondents being respondents No.6 and 7, besides NADRA main respondent. In that petition baseless allegations were leveled against the present petitioner [Mst.Samina Pathan]. Present respondent No.2 [NADRA] in its parawise comments had categorically  mentioned that the present petitioner had already cleared herself by following the procedure and paying the prescribed process fee for holding duplicate CNIC. To further substantiate her stance the present petitioner has filed parawise comments of present respondent [NADRA] in the earlier above mentioned petition No.D-2816/2012 as annexure A/7, which is available at page 55 of the present case file. The said petition was subsequently dismissed for non-prosecution by order dated 21.5.2014 passed by this court.

                        It would be advantageous to reproduce the relevant portion of reply submitted by respondent NADRA in other disposed of petitions, as follows:-

“2.    That para No.2 is incorrect and vehemently denied. Further, the respondent No.6 was neither suspended nor any regular inquiry was conducted against her. The respondent No.6 got cleared her cards as per SOP/Policy of Dup formulated under section 14 of NADRA Ordinance, 2000.

3.         That para No.3 is incorrect. The respondent No.7 also got cleared his CNICs as per Dup clemency policy formulated under section 14 of NADRA Ordinance, 2000.

                        According to petitioner, she was surprised when the respondent/NADRA allegedly reopened the above mentioned closed and settled issue of duplicate National Identity Cards (DUP CNIC) and issued the petitioner above mentioned show cause notice (04.01.2016) in terms of Rule 2(4) of Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline Rules 1973), which was responded too by the petitioner through her counsel dated 08.01.2016 (within seven days as specified).

                        Admittedly before issuance of the said show cause notice, the petitioner was suspended by respondents vide above referred suspension order of 02.01.2016, compelling the petitioner to invoke the extra ordinary constitutional jurisdiction of this court by filing instant petition.

                        Notices were issued to respondent/NADRA on 11.01.2016 for 26.01.2016. On 20.01.2016, i.e. in the intervening period the petitioner moved an adjournment application for antedating the present petition on the ground that after service of notice of the instant proceedings, the petitioner has been terminated by office order dated 13.01.2016. Consequently on 20.01.2016 this court has observed that the termination letter will be subject to further orders of this Court, while restraining the respondents from taking further action. On 26.01.2016, the respondent/NADRA filed its comments and raised an issue of maintainability of instant petition which responded too by the learned counsel of petitioner (Mr. T. David Lawrance), by contending that since the petitioner is not a civil servant, therefore, the bar contained under Article 212 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973, shall not be attracted to the present proceedings, besides the action of respondent/NADRA while statidly illegal.

                        In the comments filed by respondent/NADRA  to the instant petition much emphasis is led on the legal aspect of the case and corresponding paragraphs of the petition relating to factual aspect of the entire controversy has not been as such refuted.

                        Mr. Saqib Jamal, Manager Legal of respondent/NADRA has argued that the instant constitutional petition is pre-mature also, as the petitioner has already preferred departmental appeal against the above referred impugned referred termination order and as per the learned counsel, his client respondent/NADRA will decide the said appeal in accordance with law and after giving opportunity of hearing to the petitioner. In his comments, he has relied upon number of judicial proceedings in support of his arguments that if the alternate remedy is available, the proceedings of the nature are not maintainable and merits dismissal.

                        In the intervening period the petitioner side has also filed an application-CMA No. 1380/2016 (on 08.02.2016) under Order 6 Rule 17 of C.P.C, seeking amendments in the present petition on account of her post termination scenario, which has been vehemently opposed by the respondent/NADRA by filing objections thereto.

                        In the present state of circumstances, the issue of maintainability and availability of alternate remedy should be decided first. It is an undisputed fact as is also evident from the impugned office order (02.01.2016) that Director General of respondent/NADRA before initiation of any disciplinary proceedings against the petitioner had first suspended her, by taking the cognizance on the basis of news broadcasted on various T.V Channels. It is also deniable fact that Efficiency and Disciplinary Rules 1973 are also applicable to the employees of respondent organization. The same is also evident from the impugned show cause notice appended with the main petition as annexure A-9 at page 69 of the case file. This show cause notice had been issued by Brig (R) Nasar Ahmad Mir, Director General (Operation) in the capacity of being the authorized officer as envisaged under Rule 2(3) of the above referred rules. At the case of reputation as mentioned herein above that the said show cause notice was replied by the present counsel of the petitioner by way of detailed response, which is available as annexure A-11 with the present petition. Instead of affording an opportunity of hearing to petitioner, the impugned termination letter was issued admittedly while this court has cease of the matter. It is also an undeniable fact that the employees of respondent/NADRA are not civil servants and status of respondent/NADRA is of an independent autonomous statutory body which aspect has been established and performed its functions under the National Database Registration Authority Ordinance 2000 (The Governing Law). More so respondent/NADRA has its own service rules, viz the National Database Registration Authority Employees (Services) Regulations 2002, which has been notified under SRO 118 (K.E)/2002, which were made in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 45 of the above governing law, meaning thereby the service regulations of respondent/NADRA are statutory in nature. By virtue of regulations 23 under Chapter 3 (Conduct and Discipline), the afore mentioned E & D Rules to the extent mentioned in the said regulations have been made applicable to the employees of respondent/NADRA since the provisions relating to mis-conduct as provided under the above E & D rules have to be applied mutandis departmental under disciplinary proceedings, therefore, the petitioner was also subjected to said E & D Rules. The E & D Rules mentioned in the impugned show cause notice are reproduced herein below for the sake of ready reference:-