Civil Tr. Application No.S-11 of 2017



               Order with signature of Judge



                           1.      For katcha peshi

                           2.      For hearing of CMA No.368/2017




                           Mr. Ali Mutahir Shar, State Counsel





                  This is a Civil Transfer Application. Counsel for the applicant is not present but the applicant No.1 himself is present and when queried, states that his apprehension is that respondents would try to influence the suit proceedings sub judice before learned Senior Civil Judge Mirwah. From the record it appears that earlier the present applicants have filed similar nature of proceeding before the learned District Judge Khairpur which was dismissed vide order dated 18.3.2017. The perusal of earlier application also shows that it was preferred almost on the identical grounds which have been taken in the instant application.

                  The reply of learned Senior Civil Judge is also available on record, which was filed before the learned District Judge.

                  Transfer of a case from one learned Court to another cannot be allowed in a routine manner, except when there are plausible and tangible grounds for such a transfer and if applications of such nature are entertained in routine manner then it would lead to a situation where the parties and their counsel would be in effect are allowed to interfere in the administrative hierarchy of this Institution, that can lead to disastrous results. Secondly, unless there is substantial material and grounds available in such Transfer Applications, even the comments are not necessarily required to be called from the concerned Court, which is seized of a matter / case.

                  In view of the above, this Civil Transfer Application is dismissed being meritless. However, the learned Trial Court while proceeding with the matter strictly in accordance with law, shall keep in view the cardinal principle ‘that justice should not only be done but it should manifestly seen to be done.’




Suleman Khan/PA