Constt. Petition No.S-3815 of 2016

 Constt. Petition No.S-161 of 2017



               Order with signature of Judge



                           For katcha peshi




                      Petitioner Mst.Basheeran in CP No.S-3815/2016 in person


                           Mr. Ajeebullah Junejo Advocate for petitioners in CP

                           No.S-161/2017 a/w petitioners


                           Mr. Noor Hassan Malik, AAG


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                  Pursuant to this court’s order dated 02.10.2017, Mst. Dilshad d/o Gul Bahar is present in person carrying NIC No.451035758675-2 alongwith Anwar Ali s/o Nazar Muhammad holding CNIC No.45501-7987462-1. While through CP No.S-3815/2016 mother of Dilshad has alleged that she has been detained by Allah Wadhayo. However in counter petition No.S-161/2017 couple (i.e. Mst. Dilshad and Anwar Ali) have sought this court’s protection from the private respondents aggitated on account of the couple having married by way of free will. Mst. Basheeran the mother of Mst. Dilshad is present and states that Mst. Dilshad was originally married to another person namely Allah Wadhayo and out of that wedlock, there are four children. She states that she has left Allah Wadhayo and children and has contracted second marriage with Anwar Ali. Mst. Dilshad affirms above statement that she was married to Allah Wadhayo, however submits that she has divorced  him and now she has been living with Anwar Ali and out of this wedlock there are two children already. In the given circumstances the allegations of Mst. Basheeran that her daughter had been illegally detained appears to be false as she is present here and it seems that she is happily married to Anwar Ali. She further states that she was married to Allah Wadhayo upon payment of hefty sums to her mother and Allah Wadhayo was an old person as compared to her. She has therefore chosen to leave him and married to Anwar Ali. In the given circumstances no Constitutional jurisdiction resides with court in the private affairs of the parties. whilest they would be free to take recourse as per the available laws, since there are threats to life and liberty of Mst.Dilshad and Anwar Ali, learned AAG submits that the area police would be directed to provide all due protection to the couple and their family and ensure  that no harassment is caused to them. Order accordingly. With these orders, the above petitions stand disposed of.




Suleman Khan/PA