Civil Revision No. 72 of 2011


DATE             ORDER WITH SIGNATURE OF JUDGE ______________________________________________________________________


For katcha Peshi.





Applicant Gul Muhammad Mahesar in person.


Mr. Sarfraz Ahmed Akhund Advocate for respondents.






                        This revision has been filed against the appellate Court’s Judgment dated 24.12.2010 passed by the 3rd Additional District Judge Sukkur against the Judgment and Decree passed in F.C Suit No. 1/2004. The matter pertains to pre-emption right exercised by way of Shafi-e-Khalit and Shafi-e-Jar. The case of the applicants interalia is that he owns neighboring survey No.741 which adjoins survey No.740 who allegedly has sold by respondent No.1 to respondent No.2  where in respect of which he has made proper Talabs. The trial Court framed four key issues which are reproduced as under:-


1.    Whether the plaintiff is pre-emptor in accordance with Mohammadan Law ?


2.    Whether plaintiff made demands in accordance with law ?


3.    Whether defendant No.2 is not stranger and also pre-emptor of the suit property and is Shafi-e-Sharik?


4.    Whether the suit of the plaintiff is time barred ?



                        For the first two issues trial Court gave findings in negative whereas for issue No.3 the first part was in affirmative and second in negative whereas for issue No.4 the trial Court gave its findings in affirmative, meaning thereby the trial Court gave clear findings that neither the plaintiff had pre-emption right in Mohammadan Law nor the Talabs were made in Mohammadan Law and the suit is time barred under the Limitation Act against this an appeal was preferred wherein the appellate Court reversed the findings on issue No.1 holding that the applicant was pre-emptor in accordance with Mohammadan Law, however, declined to interfere with the other findings. The applicant is present in person and has made comprehensive arguments in support of his case. He submits that pre-emption is personal right and as per shariah he has all the rights to restrain the sale of adjoining property to stranger as this would amount to create ‘zarrar’ for him.When challenged on the point of limitation he submitted that as soon as he got the information about the sale, he made the Talabs however, on the question that he failed to produce two witnesses as required under article 236 of Muhammadan Law by Mulla’s, he said that one independent witness was examined by him and by mere admission of defendant No.1 through exhibit No.42 there was no need to bring a second witness. With regard to limitation, he has placed reliance on 1986 PLD Page 458.

                        Learned counsel for the respondents admitting the right of applicant to be pre-emptor however maintains that the requirement of article 236 of two independent witnesses has not been complied with hence, as well as the  the suit was time barred.

                        Heard parties, reviewed the material. While the trial Court considered the case of the applicant and gave negative findings to his competency as pre-emptor on the ground that his name was not entered into  the record of the land in question as the land remained in the name of his mother, however appellate Court reversed these findings by holding that even being a legal heir he was competent to demand pre-emption. With regard to requirement of two independent witnesses under article 236 his contention that the defendant itself having admitted his Talbs became a witness is clearly devoid of merit. There is clear requirement for two witnesses of “Talab-i-ishhad” which the petitioner has failed to bring to the witness box. Be that as it may, he has admitted that there were atleast four other cases which he has filed in respect of other neighbouring properties claiming right of pre-emption. This is an admission which has serious consequences.


            The right of pre-emption have been discussed in details in  the landmark Judgment of Government of N.W.F.P through Secretary, Law Department vs. Malik Said Kamal Shah reported in P L D 1986 Supreme Court 360. It is an admitted fact that for the claim of Talab-i-jar the properties are preferentially to be residential and at many occasions Courts have held that  in respect of large chunks of agricultural land such claim by way of Shafi-i-jar are not tenable and application of shafi-i-jar to such parcels of land would amount to give currency to the hyprocracy. Since the principles of shifa confronts with powerful rights of neighbourers, it is worth mentioning that shariah has given more preference to the right of neighboures as compared to right of pre-emption until and unless it is shown that presence of strangers in the neighbourhood would cause ‘zarrar’ to the pre-emptor. It is admitted that there is no statutory pre-emption law in Sindh, therefore, strict compliance of shariah is the only way forward while keeping in mind that in the Holy Quran there is no mention express or implied of a right of pre-emption, Islam or customary (1985 PLD Karachi 161). Particular mention of the following portions of the abovementioned apex Court’s judgment are mandatory to steer this case forward.



            A perusal of the foregoing fundamental aspects of the right of Shifa in Islam depicts that shifa cannot be used for adding properties as a tool for becoming in rich for adding properties to once folio for forcing neighbourers compulsory sell their estates to the claimants. Shariah has to be editious to this right and only make it relevant to those who are desperate need of exercising this right. The Courts have declared it a very feeble right and abovementioned apex courts has concluded that it is through spirit of the shifa rights which exercises and the Courts interpretsthem as per shariah this will bring end to last to unwarranted and self-benefittinglitigation to do an end. The another aspect of Haq-e-Shiffa is consent from the perspective of its conclusion that the right of neighbourers has contradicted under shariah. Haq-e-shiffa being a feeble right and exercisableonly to avoid zarrar. Our Prophet (P.B.U.H) has given tremendous strength to the right of neighbourer to the extent that Hazrat Aaishia Siddiqa (R.A) wife of the prophet has quoted that some time she fears that the holy prophet (S.A.W) giving impetuous to the rights of neighbourers to the extent that she fear that he (S.A.W) might include neighbourer as legal heirs to once property. The case at hand could clearly be seen while marred to the failure of the applicant to produce two witnesses of Talab-e-Ashhad. Also this epitite and shown through his occasions in respect of other neighboring properties is similarly end to give extension to his land holdings. It is an utter violation of the fundamental governing right of shiffa. Review of the impugned judgment shows that the appellate Court has fully considered weaknesses of the applicant’s case where itwas alleged that he was not owner of the adjacent land entitling him pressing a claim for pre-emption. Further, Court witnessed that no demands were made in accordance with law in respect of the requirement of two Talabs in the presence of witnesses where he only to be forward one witness and that too his son Noor Muhammad who has been doing this job in number of cases filed by the applicant claiming rights to neighboring properties through conceived pre-emption suits. I do not find any strength in the arguments put forward by the applicant who failed to impress me as to any illegality or irregularity in the findings recorded through the impugned judgment as I do not see mis-reading or non-reading of evidence nor any patent error flouting on the surface could be seen. I, therefore, dismiss the instant revision application by imposing costs of Rs. 10,000/- payable in the Masjid situated inside the boundary wall of High Court of Sindh bench at Sukkur.



