Crl.J. Appeal No. D– 74 of 2014.



                                                            Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Mahar

                                                            Mr. Justice Irshad Ali Shah


Appellant:           Yaseen son of Dur Muhammad Chandio,

 through Syed Ali Aamir Shah, Advocate


Respondent:            The State, through Mr. Abdul Rehman Kolachi,

                                    Deputy Prosecutor General


Date of hearing:     28-05-2019.

Date of decision:    28-05-2019.




IRSHAD ALI SHAH, J; The appellant by way of instant Criminal Appeal has impugned judgment dated 17-11-2014 passed by learned Additional Sessions Judge Moro, whereby the appellant for an offence punishable u/s 302(b) PPC has been convicted and sentenced as under;

“Hence accused is found guilty of committing Qatal-e-amad of deceased Ashique Hussain son of Ghulam Murtaza by caste Chandio as such accused Yaseen son of Dur Muhammad is convicted and sentenced to death u/s 302(b) PPC. The accused shall be hanged by neck till he is dead subject to confirmation of his death sentence by Honourable High Court of Sindh. The accused is present in Court, produced by jail authorities District Jail Naushehro Feroze, he is informed that he may file his appeal within 07 days of judgment.”       


2.                The facts in brief necessary for disposal of instant Criminal Appeal are that the appellant with rest of the culprits in furtherance of their common intention allegedly not only committed Qatl-e-amd of Ashiq Hussain, but fired at complainant Haji Allah Bux and his witnesses with intention to commit their murder and then went away by making aerial firing to create harassment, for that the present case was registered and on due investigation, the appellant was reported upon by the police before the Court having jurisdiction to face the trial for the above said offence.

3.                At trial, the appellant did not plead guilty to the charge and the prosecution to prove it examined PW/1 complainant Haji Allah Bux at (Ex.07), he produced the FIR, PW/2 Liaquat Ali at (Ex.08), PW/3 Ghulam Rasool at (Ex. 09), PW/4 Shah Nawaz at (Ex. 10), PW/5 mashir Manzoor Hussain at (Ex. 11), he produced the mashirnama of dead body at Ex. 11/A, the Danistanama, mashirnama of place of wardhat, mashirnama of arrest of accused Yaseen, mashirnama of recovery of pistol. PW/6 ASI Muhammad Youasif Arain at (Ex. 12), he produced receipt of handing over of dead body to complainant Haji Allah Bux, PW/7 Dr. Manzoor Hussain Depar of RHC Mithinai at (Ex. 13), he produced lash chakas form, post mortem report, PW/8 Tapedar Imran Ali at (Ex. 14), he produced site plant, PW/9 SIP/Investigation Officer Ahtisham-ul-Haq Jamali at Ex.(15), he produced chemical examiner’s report and forensic laboratory report, thereafter learned DDPP for the State closed the side of prosecution vide statement at Ex. 16.

4.                The appellant in his statement recorded u/s 342 Cr.P.C denied the prosecutions’ allegation by stating that he is married with the daughter of complainant and complainant has involved him in this case on account of family dispute and pistol has been foisted upon him by the police at the instance of complainant. However, the appellant neither examined himself on oath nor anyone in his defence.

5.                On conclusion of the trial, learned trial Court convicted and sentenced the appellant as stated above and then made a reference with this court for confirmation of death sentence awarded to the appellant as per requirement of section 374 Cr.P.C.


6.                The instant appeal preferred by the appellant and the reference made by learned trial Court for confirmation of death sentence to the appellant now are being disposed of by this Court, by way of single judgment.

7.                Learned counsel for the appellant after arguing the matter at considerable length was fair enough to say that he would not press the disposal of instant appeal on merits, if the death sentence awarded to the appellant is modified into imprisonment for life as the appellant according to him being young man is a first offender and certain mitigating circumstances are also available which are justifying modification of death sentence into life.

8.                Learned Deputy PG for the State was fair enough to concede the suggestion made by learned counsel for the appellant. 9.          We have considered the above arguments and perused the record.

10.              There is no denial to the fact that Ashiq Hussain has died of unnatural death, which is proved by evidence of medical officer Dr. Manzoor Hussain. The appellant is named in FIR with specific allegation that he committed Qatl-e-amad of Ashiq Hussian by causing him fire shot injury in order to satisfy matrimonial dispute. It has inter-alia stated by complainant Haji Allah Bux and PWs Liaquat Ali, Ghulam Rasool and Shah Nawaz that on the night of incident, they found the appellant with three unknown culprits committing death of the deceased by causing him fire shot injuries with his pistol and then went away by making fires at them with intention to commit their murder. No fire shot, however, hit either to the complainant or to his witnesses. The complainant and his witnesses have stood by their version on all material points despite lengthy cross examination. In that context, they (complainant and his witnesses) have rightly been believed by learned trial Court. On arrest from appellant has been secured the pistol, which he allegedly used in commission of incident and it has been found matched with the empties secured from the placed of incident by SIO/SIP Ahtisham-ul-Haq. In these circumstances, learned trial Court was right to conclude that the prosecution has been able to prove its case against appellant beyond shadow of doubt.

11.              However, the sentence of death, which is awarded to the appellant is calling for its modification for the reason that there was no deep rooted enmity between the parties, motive is appearing to be weak, the appellant is appearing to be young and first offender, as such the death sentence awarded to the appellant is modified with rigorous imprisonment of life with compensation of Rs.100,000/-(One Lac) payable to legal heirs of deceased Ashiq Hussain and in case of his failure to make payment of compensation, the appellant would undergo simple imprisonment for six months, with benefit of Section 382-B Cr.P. C.

12.              In case of Iftikhar Hussain Vs. Israr Bashir and others (PLD 2007 SC-111), it has been held by the Honourable Court at Page No.119 that; 

“….The difference of punishment for Qatl-e-Amd as Qisas and Tazir provided under sections 302(a) and 302(b), P.P.C, respectively is that in a case of Qisas, Court has no discretion in the matter of sentence whereas in case of Tazir Court may award either of the sentence provided under section 302(b), P.P.C, and exercise of this direction  in the case of sentence of Tazir would depend upon the facts and circumstances of the case. There is no cavil to the proposition that an offender is absolved from sentence of death by way of Qisas if he is minor at the time of occurrence but in a case in which Qisas is not enforceable, the Court in a case of Qatl-e-Amd, keeping in view the circumstances of the case, award the offender the punishment of death or imprisonment for life by way of Tazir. The proposition has also been discussed in Ghulam Murtaza v. State 2004 SCMR-04, Faqirullah v. Khalil-uz-Zaman 1999 SCMR-2203, Muhammad Akram v. State 2003 SCMR-885 and Abdus Salam v. State 2000 SCMR-338”.



13.              It has time and again been reiterated by the Honourable Apex Court that while death sentence is a usual penalty in case of Qatl-e-Amd, life imprisonment being legal punishment may also be considered.

14.              In case of Ghulam Mohiuddin alias Haji Babu & ors Vs. The State (2014 SCMR-1034), it has been held by the Honourable Apex Court that;

“---S.302(b)---Qatl-e-amd---Sentence---Death sentence or imprisonment for life---Single mitigating circumstance---Sufficient  to award life imprisonment instead of death penalty---Single mitigating circumstance, available in a particular case, would be sufficient to put on guard the Judge not to award the penalty of death but life imprisonment---If a single doubt or ground was available, creating reasonable doubt in the mind of Court/Judge to award either death penalty or life imprisonment, it would be sufficient circumstance to adopt alternative course by awarding life imprisonment instead of death sentence---No clear guideline, in such regard could be laid down because facts and circumstances of one case differed from the other, however, it became the essential obligation of the Judge in awarding one or the other sentence to apply his judicial mind with a deep thought to the facts of a particular case---If the Judge/Judges entertained some doubt, albeit not sufficient for acquittal, judicial caution must be exercised to award the alternative sentence of life imprisonment, lest an innocent person might not be sent to the gallows---Better to respect human life, as far as possible, rather than to put it at end, by assessing the evidence, facts and circumstances of a particular murder case, under which it was committed”.



15.              The instant criminal appeal and death reference are disposed of in above terms.




