Criminal Jail Appeal No. D-20 of 2015

( MuhammadBux Vs. The State)


Constitution Petition No.D-782 of 2015.

(GhulamFarooqVs. P.O of Anti-Terrorism Court NaushehroFeroze and others)



                                                                                Mr. Justice Muhammad IqbalMahar

                                                Mr. Justice Irshad Ali Shah


Appellant   :    Muhammad Bux son of Muhammad Hashim,

                                           Through Mr. SajjadHussainKolachi, Advocate     


Respondents.           :       GhulamFarooq s/o Ghulam Muhammad, Channa


                                    :       Through Mr. Zulfiquar Ali Sangi, advocate.


State                    :    Through Mr. Aftab Ahmed Shar, A.P.G


Date of hearing   :         15-05-2019.                  

Date of decision  :         15-05-2019.                           




IRSHAD ALI SHAH, J.- It is the case of the prosecution that appellant Muhammad Bux with rest of two culprits committed Qatl-e-amd of GhulamNabi by causing him fire shot injuries for that he was booked and reported upon.

2.                At trial, the appellant did not plead guilty to the charge and prosecution to prove it examined PW/1 complainant  GhulamFarooq at (Ex. 6), he produced copy of FIR, PW/2 GhulamMurtaza at (Ex. 7), PW/3 Zulfiquar Ali at (Ex.8), PW/4 Muhammad Akram at (Ex. 9), he produced memo of inspection of dead body of deceased Ghulam Nabi, Danistnama, memo of securing clothes of deceased, memo of securing bloodstained mud, memo of arrest of accused, memo of recovery of SBBL gun, PW/5 ASI Abdul MajidDehraj at (Ex. 10), he produced attested copy of last chakas form of deceased Ghulam Nabi, receipt of dead body, PW/6 PC Mumtaz Ali, PW/7 Tapedar Naeem-ul-Haq at (Ex. 12), he produced sketch of wardhat, PW/8 Dr. Ghulam Rasool Solangi at (Ex. 13), he produced original last chakas form of deceased Ghulam Nabi, post mortem examination report, PW/9 Inspector Ghulam Hussain at (Ex. 14), he produced copy of FIR No. 123/2014, entry No. 7, Forensic Science Report and chemical report. Thereafter learned DDPP for the State closed the prosecution side at Ex. 15.

3.                The appellant in his statement recorded under section 342 Cr.P.C at (Ex. 16) denied the prosecution allegation by pleading innocence, by stating that he has been involved in this case falsely by the complainant party as he was not going to sell his land to them on cheap price. The appellant did not examine any one in his defence, but examined himself of oath in disproof of the prosecution allegation.

4.                It has inter-alia been stated by the appellant in his statement on oath that he has been involved in this case by the complainant in order to usurp his property. The deceased might have been killed by some unknown person, as he was also having enmity with his maternal uncles. The weapon is foisted upon him at the instance of complainant party and he could not examine anyone in his defence due to pressure of the complainant.

5.                Consequent upon the trial, learned Judge Anti-Terrorism Court Naushehro Feroze vide his judgment dated 02-03-2015 convicted and sentenced the appellant as under;

“Present accused namely Muhammad BuxKolachi is convicted for the offence punishable u/s 302 (b), 34 PPC r/w Sections 6/7 (a) anti-Terrorism Act and sentenced him to R.I for life. He is also convicted for the offence punishable u/s 23 (i)(a) Sindh Arms Act 2013, and sentenced to R.I for seven years and to pay Rs. 10,000/-, in default to suffur S.I for three months more.”


6.                The appellant being aggrieved of the conviction so awarded to him by learned trial Court preferred the instant appeal for his acquittal while the complainant by way of preferring a constitutional petition has sought for enhancement of the conviction awarded to the appellant from “imprisonment for life to death”.

7.                Both, the appeal filed by the appellant and the constitutional petition filed by the complainant now are being disposed of by this Court through single judgment.

8.                It is contended by learned counsel of the appellant that the appellant being innocent has been involved in this case fasely by the complainant party on account of his dispute with him over sell of landed property; there is delay of one day in lodgment of FIR; the crime weapon has been foisted upon the appellant on 7th day of his arrest and it has been subjected to chemical examination on 10th day of its recovery and there is no independent witness to the incident. By contending so he sought for acquittal of the appellant.

9.                It is contended by learned counsel for complainant that the appellant has committed the brutal murder of the deceased, he as such is liable to be awarded to death penalty, which would meet the ends of justice.

10.              Learned A.P.G for the State by supporting the impugned judgment has sought for dismissal of Appeal and constitutional petition by contending that the appellant has adequately been punished by learned trial Court.

11.               We have considered the above arguments and perused the record.

12.              The death of the deceased is proved by the prosecution through evidence of medical officer Dr. Ghulam Rasool, which even otherwise is not disputed by the appellant. It is established principle of law that medical evidence neither pin-points the accused nor establishes the identity of the accused but is supportive piece of evidence only to the extent of specification of seat of injuries, the weapon used, duration between injuries and death and the cause of death etc. Once, the un-natural death of the deceased is proved, then only question which remains to be answered would be the guilt or innocence of the accused reported upon. Since, in instant case the un-natural death of the deceased has remained undisputed, therefore is to be examined the liability of the appellant/accused towards the incident.

13.              It isinter-alia stated by the complainant and his witness Ghulam Murtaza and Zulfiquar Ali that on 04-11-2014 when they and the deceased were standing in graveyard of their village Bhanbo Khan Kolachi, there at about 11-30 am they found coming three culprits, one was armed with Kalashnikov, other was armed with mouser while third was armed with SBBL gun, he was identified by them to be appellant who fired directly at Ghulam Nabi to satisfy his grudge, on account of refusal made by Ghulam Nabi to do some office work for him in Revenue department, the fire so made by the appellant on the face of Ghulam Nabi and then accused went away, Ghulam Nabi was taken to Tharoo Shah Hospital in injured condition therefrom was referred to Naushehro Feroze Hospital, where he died. They have stood by their version on all material point with regard to the death of the deceased allegedly at the hands of the appellant though were subjected to cross examination. On arrest from the appellant as per SIO/Inspector GhulamHussain has been secured the incriminating gun, which on forensic examination has been found to be matched with the empties secured from the place of incident. In that situation,we would be very hard to make a conclusion that the appellant has been involved in this case falsely by the complainant party on account of their dispute with them over landed property.

14.              No doubt, FIR of the incident has been lodged with delay of one day, but there could be no denial to the fact that the priority with the complainant party was to save life of Ghulam Nabi, who admittedly after sustaining fire shot injuries was found to be alive and was taken by the complainant party from one Hospital to other with a view to save his life, which caused delay in lodgment of FIR, same being natural could not be treated to be fatal to the case of the prosecution.

15.              The conclusion which could be drawn of the above circumstances, would be that the prosecution has been able to prove its case against the applicant beyond shadow of doubt and he on the basis of such evidence has rightly been convicted and sentenced by learned trial Court.

16.              So far modification of conviction from imprisonment of life to death is concerned, it is not called for mainly for the reason that there was no deep rooted enmity between the parties and the dispute between them allegedly was over sell of the landed property and/or performance of official work.

17.              In case of IftikharHussain Vs. IsrarBashir and others (PLD 2007 SC-111), it has been held by the Honourable Court at Page No.119 that; 

“….The difference of punishment for Qatl-e-Amd as Qisas and Tazir provided under sections 302(a) and 302(b), P.P.C, respectively is that in a case of Qisas, Court has no discretion in the matter of sentence whereas in case of Tazir Court may award either of the sentence provided under section 302(b), P.P.C, and exercise of this direction  in the case of sentence of Tazir would depend upon the facts and circumstances of the case. There is no cavil to the proposition that an offender is absolved from sentence of death by way of Qisas if he is minor at the time of occurrence but in a case in which Qisas is not enforceable, the Court in a case of Qatl-e-Amd, keeping in view the circumstances of the case, award the offender the punishment of death or imprisonment for life by way of Tazir. The proposition has also been discussed in GhulamMurtaza v. State 2004 SCMR-04, Faqirullah v. Khalil-uz-Zaman 1999 SCMR-2203, Muhammad Akram v. State 2003 SCMR-885 and Abdus Salam v. State 2000 SCMR-338”.



18.              It has time and again been reiterated by the Honourable Apex Court that while death sentence is a usual penalty in case of Qatl-e-Amd, life imprisonment being legal punishment may also be considered, which we think has rightly been considered in the  present case.

19.              In case of GhulamMohiuddin alias Haji Babu & ors Vs. The State (2014 SCMR-1034), it has been held by the HonourableApex Court that;

“---S.302(b)---Qatl-e-amd---Sentence---Death sentence or imprisonment for life---Single mitigatingcircumstance---Sufficient  to award life imprisonment instead of death penalty---Single mitigating circumstance, available in a particular case, would be sufficient to put on guard the Judge not to award the penalty of death but life imprisonment---If a single doubt or ground was available, creating reasonable doubt in the mind of Court/Judge to award either death penalty or life imprisonment, it would be sufficient circumstance to adopt alternative course by awarding life imprisonment instead of death sentence---No clear guideline, in such regard could be laid down because facts and circumstances of one case differed from the other, however, it became the essential obligation of the Judge in awarding one or the other sentence to apply his judicial mind with a deep thought to the facts of a particular case---If the Judge/Judges entertained some doubt, albeit not sufficient for acquittal, judicial caution must be exercised to award the alternative sentence of life imprisonment, lest an innocent person might not be sent to the gallows---Better to respect human life, as far as possible, rather than to put it at end, by assessing the evidence, facts and circumstances of a particular murder case, under which it was committed”.



20.              In view of above, the instant criminal appeal and constitutional petition are disposed of in above terms.




